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Female running partner(s) wanted Hillsborough/Malin Bridge

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Hi, I started running a few weeks ago and mostly run late in the evening (8-8.30pm) due to work. This has been going well but now it's getting dark I could do with a partner so that I don't have to join a gym or run in the dark with a machete.


I'm 35, have good stamina and I'm not ultra slow, but not very fast either (due to my short legs - I'm 5ft 0). I want to improve my fitness and lose at least 1/2 stone. I have been doing the same route which takes me between 25 and 30 mins and at a rough guess is 3 miles (but I might be well out on that!)


Looking for female runner(s) who can do Monday, Tuesday and/or Wednesday eves starting about 8.30pm. I live in Malin Bridge.


Anyone interested, best to PM me.



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