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Eye Floaters (advice and experiences??)

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Hi, Im 26 years old and in the last year have developed floaters in my eyes. The right eye is worse and they are now starting to annoy me and seem to be getting worse.

Im going to go to the eye clinic this week for a retinal scan and have already seen my optition about it.

Has anyone else experienced these?

I hear it is very common for people to have 1 or 2 but I have loads and was wondering how people deal or manage them?

I have searched the net for info but there isnt much really.


Thankyou in advance.



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I have lots of them, its a part of the ongoing trouble with my sight. Usually its possible for people to ignore them but if they get to be too bad, they can become disabling. They can be lasered away in some cases Im led to believe.

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Ive had them 30 years to be honest.They started when i was 16 and have been there ever since.Iwent to the docs but was told there was nothing to be done.They are more pronounced in the sun and when looking at blue skys.Mine look like small strings and move across.Bit of a pain but nothing to worry about.:thumbsup:

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I developed floaters in my left eye when I was 10 years old.


I tended to close my left eye and just use my right one, as they irritated me so much. Of course my mum noticed and off I went to the optician, then the GP, then the hospital.


Attended Barnsley hospital as an outpatient for 9 years, and they never decided what was wrong with me. They did however give me some ointment (Betnesol I think it was called) which seemed to clear a lot of the floaters. I'm left with a vague mistiness in my left eye, kind of like having a soft focus filter fitted. It's nothing that glasses can fix, so it's something I've just got used to.


I think they are pretty common, but you learn to adapt and live with them.

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I've got them in my right eye, just two really, but it's enough to be off putting. I'm sure people at work think I'm staring at them, but I'm not, I'm just following the floater to try and get rid of it. I find thats the best way.


My optician told me they are fat modules that broke away from the lining of the eye. They are very annoying and I wish I could get rid of them!

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My optition did mention it may be due to a detatched retina if I noticed a change in them which is why im going to the clinic. Ill let you know what happens.


Ive read things about not drinking coffee and taking special acid supplimenst and foods with lots of magnessium. This helps relax the muscles in the eye asthe strain on the retina may be a cause of floaters.

They are usually made up though of the cells in the gel in your eye, grouping up and casting a slight shadow onto the retina.


Moving the eye up and down moves the floaters out of vision for a while.

I tend to close my right eye alot to avoid seeing them but this will just make my eye lazy and weak so im going to try and avoid that.

Wearing sunglasses helps ignore me ignore them.


I also find that when in a dark room and looking at something bright, if I move my eyes, the floaters give blurred strands that follow my gaze across the bright area. Very annoying!

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