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Eye Floaters (advice and experiences??)

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I've always had loads of floaters in both eyes, which apparently is quite common in people who are very short-sighted (as I am). My optician told me it's nothing to worry about unless you start seeing distorted colours or flashing lights at the edges of them (in which case it might be a detached or torn retina or something so you should get advice straight away).

I also heard somewhere that taking Evening Primrose Oil might help so I've tried it - I think it's helped slightly but it might be my imagination!

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  • 4 years later...

I've had a lot of floaters in my life, but this biggy with flashing occuring when in the dark, really got me down last year, I thought it was a retinal detachment, went to hospital and it turns out to be a Posterior vitreous detachment, nothing can be done and they say it is not dangerous, it does seem to be more pronounced when looking at a blue or white background. Hopefully yours will be nothing too serious, they're blooming annoying though, all I see sometimes is a black circle distrupting vision in one eye.

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first and foremost when seeing floaters we should see a eye doctor. But many today vision symptoms are related with ascension, awaking the third eye, our body are changing. Why ? Many spiritualist believe to the increasing of vibrational levels of earth. No matter what it is. I think that the main cause is the stress. Our inability to cope with the vast amount of information. Our rational mind is incapable to process the vast information. Then we rely on the subconscious mind which process millions bits of information more then rational mind. Many people are experiencing lucid dreaming, that is they shift their awareness into their inner worlds of mind while sleeping. While this happen we become more intuitive (subconscious procession of information), more spiritual and even our body instates some changes to support this mode of being. Conventional medicine has no much experiences on these affairs. We should seek medical care for everything but not to believe doctors for everything.Vising three doctors is better because they usually have different approaches, different opinions.

Inner vision or awaking the third eye is becoming a new mode of vision which interfere with our outer vision.

Usually when we direct our attention to an object with your eyes open, we look at the image and its different parts. And then the various elements are processed by our conscious mind. This is related to what could be called

the ‘mental mode of vision’, vision from the ordinary mental consciousness.

But with the non-mental mode of vision, inner vision, we become aware of the fact of seeing. we shift our attention from the object of perception to the process of perceiving. Instead of watching the object, we start watching the action of seeing, the fact of seeing or ‘seeingness’. In this mode of vision we perceive more our eye floaters. When we are in this expanded mode of perception , our vision becomes peripheral and embraces the whole field in front of us.

i personally have seen eye floater since a child but at some time i didn't see them anymore. Now i m seeing them again for two years.

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