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Calling all gig lovers


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bedroom gig sounds good, tho 4th october is ringing alarm bells - will have to check calendar for that one!


otherwise would be good, tbh i havent been to many gigs and fridxay will be my 1st time at the leadmill! i dont even know many juliet and the licks songs - just figured for a tenner each it'll make a change to just going clubbing :)

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The bands are usually great (as its me that picks them) the sound will never rival the boardwalk or grapes but you get in free and its comfy, funky and great entertainment :)


OK, I might come down sometime then. Let me know if you need a pop-rock/indie/alt band anytime, we're up for playing gigs galore at the minute: http://www.myspace.com/dadsbadnews

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I would love to, unfortunately theres a birthday do that I have to go to. Do you fancy coming along on the 4th?


Em x

well i'll defo be there...have to kinda go straight from work coz i need to be there early..there 'may' be a 4th band playing... the owner decided to put another on (i like 3 bands..easier to handle) but i suppose you get more for your...ermm..free entry!


Mothership were in the running for a 'best song of the year' with their song 'bad mood' check it out here.. http://www.myspace.com/mothershipmusic


Personally I bloody love the song and have it on my ipod at mo :)

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I just had a look on the lecorum website and they are playing on 24th.........BUT! they are also playing at the plug on 3rd!!!! Both fridays. Oh my god, I have to go. Had a look for tickets on wayahead but they are only selling for the october dates. hands up who wants to go? Sexkitten I know you will!

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