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Bike race in Sheffield causing traffic delays? (31/8/06)


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wow, you guys get so wound up about things! all i was saying is i got stuck in traffic! my first day back to work was wendesday, i didnt see any signs as i didnt go through town that day. i didnt know about it last 3 years as i havent lived here that long! all i was saying is that its busy! and your all going on about ignorance??? i wasnt ignorant just saying that why didnt they do the tour on maybe a saturday or sunday so people wouldnt get caught up and would have the option to go watch??? its not i dont support it, my uncle does tour de france alot and i support him in it, i think its a great sport, all i was saying is the time they did it could have been better! - wasnt having a go by the way!

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but the finish post was in sheffield!! thats what i heard! stuck at crosspool waiting for a bus from 5.30-6.25 - according to travelline there were no delays on the busses!! walked it in the end - got home an hour later then normal - thanks council!!


Its a stage race with start and finish each day.

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Wow get over yourselves whats half an hour out of your life? every one moans that england never does any good at sport but is no one prepared to encourage it? Walk it would have done you some good or maybe even use it as inspiration to get a bike and ride. When this traffic jam was goin on i rode past it all on my bike laughing at all the daft red faced people stuck in their cars. I cant belive how negative everyone is about this race its both ridiculous and disgusting. Why not next year instead of sitting in your cars why dont you go watch the finish and cheer on the riders?


Well said.


The right of people to drive around in there cars without delays must always come before any event no matter how much enjoyment it brings :(

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It took a little longer to drive home last night but nothing much. I don't have a problem with events such as this coming to Sheffield and causing me minor inconvenience. It's one day a year, unlike the city council who go out of their way to inconvenience me every day of the year. ;)

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It's 1 day a year..and there was loads of signs up telling people that the tour was coming here,and to expect delays.!!


We definatly can't close the roads to the car can we..unless of course some "football "team decide to close the town centre down when they get promoted..But hey..it's only 1 day in the year.


To all you people who where sat in your car..i say..get get of it and go and watch real athletes at work.Not jumped up premadonna's.


If more people cycled the abesaty(spelt wrong) would disappear and the hospitals would be less full..less time in the doctors..you would feel loads better...next time you want a rant at pro cycling..give it a try to see how hard it is..



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