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Rowlinson School 1976-81


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Have just found this post and was at Rowlison 71 to 76 and remember your dad and uncle well they were in "M" and I was in "L" we shared the art room as a form room in the later years, I also remember Mr Holmes (killer) and his wife, a Miss Frolich pottery whom he was also friendly with!!, Mr Stockdale, Mr Barber, Mr Seaton, Mr Dickinson i think (english), Mr

ountfield also our form teacher for a while, some others may come to mind as the grey matter starts to smoke, other students: Richard and Hayden Western, Iain Murdoch, Peter Vickers, Phil Bloy, Adrian Dowse, Phil? Skidmore, Peter Sergant, Tony? went into the merchant navy married a Collet from the same year, yvone Dudridge? Cheryl Heliwell, Barbara South, or was it Jane? it was not a good place to be at that time for me and was glad to leave, will try to rack my brains over the past and update as and when, if any one can fill in any blanks that would be great on here or via e-mail to me at lakesidevi@dsl.pipex.com cheers.


Dusty Bobbins. I was in m and remeber the year we had the art rooms as form rooms. The Collette you mention was Collette Wildes also remember most of the other names you mention. I only really have contact with Russ maynard who was in H these days.

Other names in M were Paul Rogers, Chris Shaw, Ashley Kaye, Mark Gebhardt (think he was killed in accident not long after leaving school). I remember playing cards at luchtime with Killer for mobey of course he was a nutter for sure.


Amazing how the names come flooding back as well as good and bad times.

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Chloe123, I went to School with your Dad & Uncle (Russ & Chris) & would love to get in touch, I presume that your Dad is Russell. Anyone else from 71 - 76 in form M? Some names that spring to mind are :- Paul Rogers, Ashley Kay, Chris Shaw, Phil Bloy. I would love to get in touch with anyone from that form, as I lost touch with everyone when I left Sheffield


Shields Blade. I was in M the same time, recognise all the names but have lost touch with everyone, last saw Chris Hartley couple of years ago he has a good business in Gleadless. Only contact I still have is Russ Maynard who i see regularly by my standards.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Oooo, just found this, i went to rowlinson 1979 to 1984 anyone else then?


I was there from 80-84. I ha a great time and found some great mates. Lost touch with some of them though. Do you remember Ian Bunting? I'm not Ian obviously, I'm Nick.

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The name rings a bell, we did have a metalwork for the 3rd year but I can't remember his name, maybe it was him. Does anyone remember Mr Hurst, he had a tash and glasses and taught metalwork? He was my metalwork teacher in the first and fourth year, should have been fifth year too but he left and we had Mr Stockdale, what a complete waste of time that was, I was better at metalwork than he was. He demonstrated the forge to my class and after about 30 minutes of heating and removing the bar there wasn't any left, he kept leaving it for too long in the forge and melting the end off.


I remember Mr Hurst very well. If I remember correctly, he had a sheep dog called Flag, drove on ex army land rove and wanted to be reincarnated as a petrol engine! Mad as a box of frogs, but a decent bloke and a good teacher.

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Sorry to hark on about a familiar subject, but I remember many of the teachers spoken. So I was faintly surprised to find that I am not alone in thinking that Graham Seaton was an absolute arrogant bolshy w****r. He could turn on you in a second, smack you around the head for no apparent reason and then send you out of the class. He also once accused me of reading a note sent from another teacher and that I had to deliver. I got detention for that. And needless to say, his accusations were groundless. It doesn't surprise me to hear that he got sacked from teaching. The only surprise is that didn't happen ages ago!

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I remember Mr Hurst very well. If I remember correctly, he had a sheep dog called Flag, drove on ex army land rove and wanted to be reincarnated as a petrol engine! Mad as a box of frogs, but a decent bloke and a good teacher.


Hursty was a top bloke, we had him as form tutor for all 5 years. Our class had a bit of a reputation as troublemakers but he stood up for us. Mind, he still gave me the cane on one occasion. He had a self-made leather covered aluminium cane and it bl**dy hurt! I had no arguments though cos I'd deserved it. Ibbo on the other hand used to use a bit of dowel across the knuckles. I got that just for sitting on the table, not the chair. He used to invite the victim to sign it after. When it was full of signatures he'd get a fresh bit of dowel out of the bottom of the roller blinds. He must have gone through more timber than Lavers yard!

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  • 2 months later...

I really loved being at ROLLO, between 1973 & '77, had a perpetual teenage crush on Mick Fox (Foxy) who sat behind me in French, which he recited horrendously, with Martin Barton (birdsnest) who sat next to him... I was in 'H', with the exquisite Jane Erdinc (whose younger sister was Susan)... and my kind brother (one year younger was in Susans' class named Raj).... Susan Wharton, David Giblin, Karen Goodsir, etc were in my class and we have managed to stay in touch on Facebook...


One thing I would like to add is that the night before Miss Sue Kenyon died of Pneumonia, I saw her on the bus with her daughter who I think was around 7ish? It was a freezing night and she had been swimming, I recall thinking it was cold to have wet hair. I was drifting back from a practice session of hockey I think, and it was too dark and cold to walk the 2 miles back to my parents shop: International Emporium that did the silk handcrafted rugs of tigers and Asian lovers, and the amazing rosewood inlaid tables and sandlewood delicate carvings.... On Abbey Lane next to Harry's Butchers.


I remember those days with such tremendous fondness and cherish the friends I made then, the times seem relevant as we get older because we were teens and nothing ever feels the same.


I have a wistful recollection of the teachers who I really liked and a clear memory of every fight I had which seemed to be weekly being one of the first Asians there...


Nevertheless, for me it was where I cut my teeth and learnt how to strategise in any given situation of corporate politics and enjoy the thrill of the chase of thoughts and exercise, particularly since I spent 6 days a week playing every sport we could have access to.


If you remember me from my link here (photo on my website) then look me up and let me know how you are! Oh I am also on Friends Reunited where a few of us managed to find each other too!



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I used to knock around with dave Giblin & Su wilkinsons cousin - mark wilkinson - what are they all up to these days?


You can connect with David Giblin on Friendsreunited! He was as adorable the last time we chatted which unfortunately was 2005, time flies!



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