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Rowlinson School 1976-81


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Yeah I know, I knew Alex from 12 yrs old, she was such a gorgeous looking girl and then she got involved with that arsehole Marlow and went down hill from there, the other brother was Clint.

I got out of Jordanthorpe years ago but some of my family still live in the area and its horrible how many of my old school friends have either died from drugs or ended up in the nick, I used to drink in the Jordo pub but I cannot believe how bad it is in there now, think it got to its lowest point when Towers killed that lad outside the pub.

Ahh Jordo I miss it so much fond memories.

Am almost sure my hubby went to school we Martin Froggat, his name is Leslie Marsden.:)

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I went in 1971 and escaped in 1976, the problem was the liberal attitude of the headmaster I always got the impression that some of the staff were not happy at the lax liberal attitude


Although having said that we all (well most of us) left able to read and write

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I went in 71 and left in 77 - I'm sure it wasn't all bad - after all I learnt all the songs from Joseph off by heart in the music lessons!


I would never have read Catch-22 if it wasn't for Terry Griffiths. Certainly I owe a lot to David Sanderson. Sorry to hear that Mr Barber died, if he was the woodwork teacher then he was our form teacher for a couple of years.


I remember Mr Shipley's detentions (every French lesson), and his useless career advice, but how could he know any better?

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Other things I remember: Skating at Silver Blades, but I got lost driving past Silver Blades the other day. What on earth has happened going towards town from the skating rink?


There was a rock group on in the Drama Theatre one night in about 1973. Anyone remember who they were? (there's a test for you)


Hearing "John I'm only Dancing" in the Youth club. Listening to David Bowie's "life on mars" for the first time at what must now be Sutton Scotney services (when the motorway was brand new) at a coach stop on the way to St Luniere for the French Trip! I've been to that part of France many times since.

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Other things I remember: Skating at Silver Blades, but I got lost driving past Silver Blades the other day. What on earth has happened going towards town from the skating rink?


There was a rock group on in the Drama Theatre one night in about 1973. Anyone remember who they were? (there's a test for you)


Hearing "John I'm only Dancing" in the Youth club. Listening to David Bowie's "life on mars" for the first time at what must now be Sutton Scotney services (when the motorway was brand new) at a coach stop on the way to St Luniere for the French Trip! I've been to that part of France many times since.


in the rock band in 1974 i remember david stunnell [bruno] singing. robert gray on the guitar can anyone remember the others. bruno married barbera chambers.

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I went to Rowlinson 6th Form in 1974 to do A levels. before that I went to Jordanthorpe Comprehensive (across the road). People I remember are Diane, Julia, Steve, & Russell (am I supposed to show surnames?). I also used to go to Youth Club in same complex.


Hi Fiona, just seen your contribution from last year so I joined the forum. If you still log in please contact via forum, Di xx PS I'm still with Steve!

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