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Rowlinson School 1976-81


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Yes I remember Wombat, what's he doing these days.


An episode a few years ago comes to mind;


Do you remember that wrestler Giant Haystacks, he was at an event in Norfolk Park, the Sealed Knot people, anyways he ran a van of some sorts selling greasy spoon fare. After the event he came in the Royal Standard with a bunch of what I can only describe as midgets, lots and lots of um.


After an altercation with one of the regulars who happened to be very handy with a snooker cue, Haystacks was revived on the pavement outside and deciding discretion being the better part of valor proceeded to make his way to another pub he had heard of, The Maples.


Well, again to cut a long story short, after throwing his weight around in the Maples he had the great misfortune to meet up with Wombat, who kindly introduced him to another of Sheffield's famous sites, the Halamshire Hospital.

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There was a rock group on in the Drama Theatre one night in about 1973. Anyone remember who they were? (there's a test for you)



Not sure about 1973 but I do remember seeing a band called Molotoy (sp?) perform in what must have been 77/78 - all clockwork oranged out and crazy singing "Dial, Dial, 999" in a psychotic way. I loved it and it made a change from the usual "film night" in the drama hall which was one of many excuses we had for trying to get inside a girls knickers (post swimming was another good time)

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There was a rock group on in the Drama Theatre one night in about 1973. Anyone remember who they were? (there's a test for you)


Was that Tundra - Chris Stainton's group, concert organized by Howard Holmes, or one of the school band nights (Olde Green Jam Sandwich) with Henry 9th/islande, OHSR (Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit) and a third band whose name I cant remember now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Was that Tundra - Chris Stainton's group, concert organized by Howard Holmes, or one of the school band nights (Olde Green Jam Sandwich) with Henry 9th/islande, OHSR (Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit) and a third band whose name I cant remember now.


henry the ninth was ,dave stunnell [bruno] said he ****** his self with nerves , rob gray , russ singleton and an other .

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  • 4 months later...


Well, where to start. I went to Rowlinson from 1968 to 1975 and so witnessed at first hand the transition from Technical school to Comprehensive school. I was in fact a member of (Pengy) Parnham's first ever form class, and in answer to a prior post, no he didn't have a mean streak then, he was a good form teacher.


When I first started there the school was well disciplined, had a good reputation and a long and respected tradition. When it went comprehensive all we saw at first were *Girls* even though two years younger they were fascinating. However girls aside, the changes that becoming a comprehensive brought over the next few years were not beneficial. The school became too big, the intake was more inclined to cause trouble, standards fell, and traditions were cast aside.


Here I feel I must make a humble apology to all the later years that had to wear the lurid gold tie that replaced the classy Rowlinson tie. I designed it. I’m sorry, it was an art lesson, and I thought I was being humorous. Fortunately I didn’t sign the drawing and managed to keep quiet about my involvement.


Now a few iconoclastic stories. Lets start with the English dept. Dave Dawson was an excellent teacher, but too full of himself. He was the one who had a bona fide "mean streak" in him. From the posts he appears to have mellowed over the years, but I don't suppose he ever apologised to the students he accosted with a sword, a fact he is lucky not to have been prosecuted for it. There was another English teacher who used to throw things (chalk, board rubbers, chairs, etc) at pupils.


Fred Rowley (?) in the Music dept on the other hand used to throw money at pupils who played to his satisfaction. He was clinically insane though.


The language department was the place for a good scandal. One of the female German teachers was moved to Rowlinson after being caught "in flagrante" in a cloakroom. I can personally vouch that she taught class "sans lingerie" on occasion. I do agree that Mr Seaton (French) was very dodgy and vain too. He got thumped as I recall, and the pupil got away with it because Seaton was hitting him on the head with a book.


There were three Rock bands played at Rowlinson around 73/74. The first was a semi-pro outfit whose bass player was in the 6th form. The others were school bands more or less. If Robert Gray was “The Swede” my apologies for not remembering his name, a fine guitarist, even if he wouldn’t let people have a go on his new Strat. Does anybody know how he fared?


Now then - I too was in Parnham's first ever form at Rowlinson - so on our first day, we sat in the same room - I remember the first day so well - the first ever form period in a new school, with a new teacher, and he bombarded us with questions like "What is 64,786,234 divided by 18? - Quick - come on - !!" - and every form period started with some kind of mock debate about free school milk or something, and every physics experiment started with "Gather round bretherend" - the guy was an idiot, and I was reliably informed a year ago that he is still an idiot!! So who are you? I wonder...........

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Parnham was mad but he wasnt a phyco like someone ready mentioned , got te stuff across and he also did the sailing club which I really enjoyed I would rather have panham than some of the teachers mentioned above

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