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Matalan and their stupid card

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The card is a waste of time, it doesn't serve any purpose whatsoever!!


It does though....

I receive the Minnie catalogue thingy showing the latest offers.

Just before Christmas it also included a £5 off and £10 off voucher if I spent over a certain amount(can't remember the exact figures now).

The only details I provided was name and address.


It's the new Morrisons card that peed me off.

They wanted to know just about everything about me so they lost my custom.

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why dont you people stop moaning and jst sign up for a card

its one simple form

you benefit from it

offers on in store can only be gained with a matalan card

it makes returning items easier


sales assistants do not now have the power to put a sale through without a card!!!!


this has to be dealt with through management


quicker and easier to get a card

sorted :)

Cos we don't give out our address/email etc due to the fact that it could be used for spam.


It doesn't make returning items easier unless you've lost the receipt.


You're right that purchases without cards now have to be dealt with my 'managment'- last time I was in the assistant tried to force me to get a card, which I refused. She then insisted that a manager had to deal with it.


After a bit of a wait while she tried to attract the attention of a large, bored looking man who apparently was a manager, who came over and insisted on also trying to get me to give my details, I gave up on the whole process and simply pointed at the item I was buying and said- "I just want to buy that", repeatedly, until he shut up and authorised the purchase.


Needless to say, I'll be taking my money elsewhere in future, to a business that appreciates the wishes of a customer to simply buy a product and not be hassled into giving over details that are no-ones business but mine.


I already spend enough time queueing in stores as it is- no way am I going to risk hanging while a manager can be found to authorise what should be a straightforward purchase.


The Matalan apologists/employees on this thread may wish to feed back to managment that several ex-customers on this thread, me included, are now no longer going to use there business as a direct result of their card policy.

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For those that have smartphones, you can now download Matalan's app, that can be scanned at the till, so no need for the card in your wallet or purse anymore. both myself and the wife have it, so no more issues as to who had the card last and left it at home etc. All seems to work well for us, as we do not seem to suffer a torrent of unsolicited junk mail etc

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What is it with Matalan and their card? I have shopped there a number of times now and I am frankly sick to death of staff starting to issue me with a card as soon as I have said I don't have one, without even asking me if I agree to having one. The first time I refused the assistant tried to press me to have one, but the only reason she could give for having one was to ensure I got a refund if I had to take something back but had lost my receipt. Since then I have politely refused a card every time I have shopped there, and although the assistant has usually looked a bit put out, they have processed the sale with no problems. Until this weekend when I went and the assistant insisted that I could not shop there without a card. He openly said he didn't believe me when I said I had shopped there before without one, and insisted that I had to complete my personal details. I said I didn't see the point of having the card and that I didn't want to be bombarded with junk mail, hence I wasn't prepared to give my details. He even admitted that there was no point in having the card, but that I had to have one anyway. It was only when I grabbed the form and marked it with an X that he gave in and processed the sale.


So does anyone know why Matalan insist you have this card to shop with them?

Do they have any right to insist you have a card?

Surely under data protection they must have your permission to hold personal information about you?


Show them this page next time if you chose to go back



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