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Matalan and their stupid card

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Surely they can't refuse to serve you because you're not willing to give up a legal right? An unrelated example would be the maximum 48 hour working week. Employers can ask employees to sign an agreement to work more than this, but they can't make you, and they can't withhold an offer of employment, or sack you because you're not willing to give up that right.


they can refuse to serve you with no reason given at all.

It's their shop, it's not a public service.

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they can refuse to serve you with no reason given at all.

It's their shop, it's not a public service.


Well, that's the point isn't it - if they give no reason then that's fine, but if they refuse to serve someone because they are not willing to give up a legal right then surely that is illegal? Businesses can't pick and choose which laws they abide by.

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OK, I work on the Parkway, so this should clear it up.


Banesmabes, no staff should have told you that they were compulsory.


When the law changed so that companies could not legally make you give your details, all staff had to sign a form that acknowledged that they each understood the terms.


No member of staff should tell you that you MUST have one, rather that you SHOULD have one, and explain the benefits that surround them.


The reason for having a card is:

It's easier than explaining that you don't have one everytime you shop.

If you lose a reciept then you still are entitled to exchanges/gift vouchers within 28 days.

You get a mailer every so often with our new range in it.

At different times of year (eg. Christmas) you get £5 vouchers.


We will NEVER refuse to serve someone because they refuse a card, there is a number that we can enter and it will move the transaction along without one.


Other stores will give exchanges/refund vouchers well over the 28 days which most advertise, the card allows us to check when an item was bought, and give exchanges etc in accordance with these dates.


Without a matalan card, no exchange will be offered if no reciept is present.

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OK, I work on the Parkway, so this should clear it up.


Banesmabes, no staff should have told you that they were compulsory.


When the law changed so that companies could not legally make you give your details, all staff had to sign a form that acknowledged that they each understood the terms.


No member of staff should tell you that you MUST have one, rather that you SHOULD have one, and explain the benefits that surround them.


The reason for having a card is:

It's easier than explaining that you don't have one everytime you shop.

If you lose a reciept then you still are entitled to exchanges/gift vouchers within 28 days.

You get a mailer every so often with our new range in it.

At different times of year (eg. Christmas) you get £5 vouchers.


We will NEVER refuse to serve someone because they refuse a card, there is a number that we can enter and it will move the transaction along without one.


Other stores will give exchanges/refund vouchers well over the 28 days which most advertise, the card allows us to check when an item was bought, and give exchanges etc in accordance with these dates.


Without a matalan card, no exchange will be offered if no reciept is present.


Thanks for this. The guy at the weekend who said I had to have a card to shop there was at the Heeley store. He did actually make the comment that Matalan were like Makro and he couldn't serve me without a card - so obviously he was making that up! I think the real reason was revealed when he said "I get into trouble if I don't issue the card" - so it looks like undue management pressure.


I love how one of the 'reasons' for having a card is that it is easier than having to explain why you don't have one each time! As I said I have emailed Matalan about this. They should not be issuing these cards without asking first, and they should just take no for an answer without any further hassle. Some of us protect our privacy and don't want endless junk mail.

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I totally agree, but as far as I know they only take your address so that they can send you the mailer.


There are spaces for email and phone number, but most of the time, these arn't even entered into the system.


There is no real management pressure to issue cards (sometimes the opposite, as it takes time to enter all the details into the system)


There is a leader table of who is issuing the most cards in the area, and if heeley came bottom, then there could be a chance that there was some pressure on assistants, but usually this is resolved through issuing new cards if somebody has forgotten theirs, rather than new customers.


My new employers rang me up today to confirm employment anywho, so scrap the part where I said "I work on the Parkway" :D

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  • 7 months later...

why dont you people stop moaning and jst sign up for a card

its one simple form

you benefit from it

offers on in store can only be gained with a matalan card

it makes returning items easier


sales assistants do not now have the power to put a sale through without a card!!!!


this has to be dealt with through management


quicker and easier to get a card

sorted :)

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