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The name doesn't ring a bell with me. I can't recall it being up any stairs, or coming down any to leave...but my wife tells me as I type that we went en bloc with a "Firm's Christmas Do" and I was completely bladdered that night. :hihi:


She says she can't remember going up any stairs to it either, and as for me she say's I wouldn't have got down them anyway, the state I was in. So we must both have been completely drunk that night. Ah...the joys of youth! :hihi:


I remember the "turn" on that night...a singer who we had seen at our hotel on Malta a few month's earlier!


She came away with his signed photo after the show, I bought a big Maltese Cross on a Chain and brought that home.



The photo ended up in the loft of our previous house for years afterwards. :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


The massive Maltese Cross and long chain was modelled by me at many local pub visits throughout the rest of the 70's...together with my flared trousers. :o


I weighed it in for scrap in the 80's.

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How much did it make in the scrap market for the old Maltese Cross.:hihi:


It was heavy, I'll grant you............for years afterwards I walked with a stoop.


I won't describe:hihi: what medical condition the tight crutched flared trousers inflicted upon me but.............I never recovered my reputation.

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