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Self defence intensive courses

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de escalation is an interesting topic in itself. Most martial arts don't really teach the psychological aspects of conflict at all and how you can use words and body language to stop a situation developing in the first place.

I know that it's not something we explicitly teach very often in the style I teach.

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de escalation is an interesting topic in itself. Most martial arts don't really teach the psychological aspects of conflict at all and how you can use words and body language to stop a situation developing in the first place.

I know that it's not something we explicitly teach very often in the style I teach.


Cyclone, what is it actually that you teach if you dont mind me asking. I think your right Its very difficult to ascertain every individual situation and what might be a perfect answer may not be the perfect solution. im a big believer in people having an aura about them. Sometijme syou see people and you think you just wouldnt mess but others dont seem to be so confident. maybe this is the same in the aspects you teach?

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I teach traditional jiu jitsu (not BJJ).


I think that after training for a while people just look more confident in themselves, often this is enough to avoid any trouble. The people who go out and pick fights do so with targets that they think they will easily beat, they aren't looking for a challenge.

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Surely we digress from the point, are we talking self defence or martial arts. Are we wanting to protect ourselves from an attacker and if so are we gauging for the most talented individual. Surely somewhere there is always going to be a situation you wish you could have done better in or even managed to get away from?


Also if there was a definative right way there would only be one form of self defence, be it a martial art of some sort or something else.


Again its what suits the individual and the actions taken at the time of attack. Something simple may prevent an attack whereas something in excess may provoke it further, however this could also be the other way round as well.


I think its down to the individual and how they feel comfortable to deal with that situation given the knowledge they have/or dont have at the time

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I teach traditional jiu jitsu (not BJJ).


I think that after training for a while people just look more confident in themselves, often this is enough to avoid any trouble. The people who go out and pick fights do so with targets that they think they will easily beat, they aren't looking for a challenge.



Totally agree, which is what i meant regarding having the aura around you. Jiu Jitsu is probably one of the better things to train with as it tends to works on grabs and holds to my understanding

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