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Ban on smoking in public places

Should smoking be banned in public places?  

36 members have voted

  1. 1. Should smoking be banned in public places?

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    • No
    • Don't know / care

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How true that is! If it doesn't directly line his pocket, it goes to Limo's to the Airport, Holiday's, Social Gatherings, Premier Class Flights to other countries. I once heard a story at school that the taxes we paid still have a %age that lines the Queens pocket.


How true is this?

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probably not much truth in the queen thing, last time i heard she was fairly self sufficient now, other than what she pays herself to attend things.


plus, with the money brought into london directly from the queen it far outweighs her spending :)


americans dont come to the UK to see "Mr Blair" :P

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The Queen pays taxes but does not declare her income. She was probably the first person to use self assessment. Her family, however, do draw from the civil list.


To find out how much she and her hangers on cost us go here:




This is a digression from the real point. Smokers pay a lot of taxes, true, but the cost to the taxpayer of the hospitalisation of cancer sufferers far outweighs that. Include cost to business of lost days through ill-health as smokers generally have poor atendance records.


We have a smoke cabin at work (where we do the kippers) for smokers. There is a small coterie from my immediate vicinity who go together at least 5 times a day. They take 15 mins per ciggie which is at least 1 1/4 hours a day they each owe the company. Think of this happening in thousands of work places across the country and go figure.

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Who's going to lobby for all motor vehicle use to stop asap then? And I mean a government stop to all cars, buses, etc within two years. Cos it's killing me, everyone else, and the world too.

Fumes from cars is just as if not more harmful. Certainly on a worldwide scale far more harmful.


Anyway, this is an argument which cannot be won. Not by me anyway :lol:

So I'm off home to make sure my lovely man has a lovely bday.



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I have to agree with the majority here. I hate smoking full stop! Fair enough, don't ban it all together but ban it in public places. I once remember going into a restaurant with my parents and there being no where to sit in the "No Smoking" part. This resulted in us either having to sit in the "Smokers" bit where people were puffing away or go to another restaurant. We chose the latter one. I remember my dad saying "What would that do if I went and sat on their table and 'passed wind'?!" It gave me a laugh anyways.


Also, someone said that perfumes cannot kill you from the smell. But in one of the papers today, I think it was the Sun or the Sheffield Star... a woman in America was charged with trying to kill her husband by spraying herself with a full bottle of perfume that she knew he was allergic to! What's the world coming to, hey?! :wink:



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One hundred per cent in agreement with you Mo, I feel sorry for the children of smokers who are subject to these cancer causing fumes twenty four hours a day.


I will not breathe these filthy cancer chemicals and will not go anywhere near, either in a shop, restaurant, pub, place of entertainment, I move away even if I am on a public seat and someone lights up, it should be a criminal offence and a term in jail for offenders.


Why must I have to breathe someone else's filth and get cancer, heart disease, asthma, have to have my legs and arms cut off because others want to smoke?

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Ban Chewing gum. It is bad manners to consistently chew like a cow. It sticks to the pavement and takes years to rot. I saw the council workers scraping it off the pavement outside Sheffield city hall, with the aid of a steam cleaning machine. But the government could always put tax on it to encourage people to stop chewing it. Think of the extra revenue ! Then in five years they could ban it and tell us how detrimental it is to our health. :oops:

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Originally posted by "Muggins"


Ban Chewing gum. It is bad manners to consistently chew like a cow. It sticks to the pavement and takes years to rot. I saw the council workers scraping it off the pavement outside Sheffield city hall, with the aid of a steam cleaning machine. But the government could always put tax on it to encourage people to stop chewing it. Think of the extra revenue ! Then in five years they could ban it and tell us how detrimental it is to our health. :oops:

I dont think there is ever a time when I DONT have a pack of Chudz in my pocket. Although I fing it terrible the way people spit it to the floor! I ALWAYS make sure it goes in a bin of some sort, or stuck to one of those chewing gum signs! To me, dropping gum on the floor or tab ends is as bad as litter bugs throwing wrappers all over the place! People should be on the spot fined for such actions!!!


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