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Final thought:

"I shall contemplate further tomorrow night, and every night until the plan is perfected, and I have decided who will ultimately suffer when it is put into effect."


I'm not happy with "and I have decided". The previous verbs suggest future actions, but "and I have decided" suggests the decision has already been made. Possibly "and I shall have decided" or "and my decision reached on who...".


I didn't see it that way. He's decided who's going to suffer (I have fears for the ex-neighbours meself) but is still working on exactly how.


It's very realistically portrayed - starting off so normal and innocent and gradually becoming more unnerving. Is Pattricia right that there's an element of personal experience here? It conjures up visions of when my own dad used to sit looking into the fire while my mum spent her evening with the old lady who lived next door. I wonder if such dark thoughts used to go through his mind as well!


I hope you won't keep us in suspense too long shoeshine!

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