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Man wants to join a Choir


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I'm interested in joining an existing Choir in Sheffield. I used to have a good range (Bass, Baritone, Tenor, Alto, Falsetto) but have slipped due to years of neglect with my voice and am down to just my natural Baritone voice.


Does anyone know of a place I could sing, either as part of a Church (less preferable) or non-religious Choir?


Any information gratefully received. I will even consider singing in a band, but be warned that my style is *very* Choral.

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:hihi: Sorry I thought it was a question about Glue.

I read it as : Man wants to join a Chair.


You REALLY need to get out more matey! :hihi:


But, back to the OP - how about the Sheffield Phil?http://www.sheffieldphil.org/join.htm

By the look of the website, you're just in time for the auditions!


PS if you get in, don't forget me when it comes to free tickets!

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Beighton Male Voice Choir are looking for members, they have an ad up in the St Mary's Beighton Church Hall.



I'm not sure where that is, but I will have a look if it's withing travelling distance for me. I'm in S6 Crookesmoor.

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how about the Sheffield Phil

By the look of the website, you're just in time for the auditions!


PS if you get in, don't forget me when it comes to free tickets!



I don't think I'm in practice anywhere near enough to join that choir, I certainly don't think I'd get through an audition! In part due to stage fright, I think. Thanks for the link though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

How about singing something a little more "showy". Hallmark of Harmony have a repertoire of songs that range through swing , barbershop, gospel ... and they have a lot of fun doing it!


They have a website http://www.hallmarkofharmony.co.uk and I am sure they will make you very welcome.


There is also a free singing course starting on October 31st in central Sheffield. It is aimed at male voices of any experience, including the total novice. More details for this can be found at http://www.turnerpage.co.uk .


I wish you luck in your search.

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