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Porter Street ...Sheffield.


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Anybody heard of it???


The wife is tracing her family history, and her Grandfather lived there in 1916.

Apparently a lot of streets were renamed years ago.

She would really like like to know where it actually was.


Any help appreciated.

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I remember Porter Street well and must have walked down it a few times.I think it must have 'disappeared' around 1960 or shortly afterwards.It was a crooked little street, unlike most of the streets round The Moor area which were set out in grid form, largely.It always seemed to be a sort of mirror-image to me of Button Lane at the other side of The Moor.I think it actually ended behind where Redgates used to be.Going further back there was a big pub there [Phoenix? Pheasant?] that used to roughly face the old Nelson.


Thanks Hugh W for the great map-----very interesting to a map 'addict' like myself!

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You're right. That was the name of it.[Where I got the other two names from,I don't know?].

I never went in the pub myself----even I'm not THAT old {!}but the shell of it was still there when I was about 15 or 16, in 1958.It, too, disappeared about that time and that's why earlier I guessed that Porter Street was gradually demolished in the early '60's.


The Grapes looked a pretty big place as I recall.Had it been bombed during the war or caught fire or something?


Thanks for info.anyway.

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