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Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire

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because he represents the opposite of it. New Labour.


It sounds like a pipe dream to me, that was built on false ideals and doomed to failure.

Convince me otherwise with sound economics and not rehtoric and I'll change sides.

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I agree with you there cyclone.


Thankfully, despite wrecking Sheffield some years ago, (we're still not yet over it) David Blunkett had an epiphany somewhere along the way and I think makes rather a good Home Secretary.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 4 years later...
Hi Tony


I was including local taxation in the argument. Taking inflation into account, most folk pay more now than they did in 70's in local taxation. Admitted that the structure is a bit different now ( rates v. council tax). Only the very rich come out of this smiling. Can this be right?


The problem is that we could discuss this all night but not get any agreement without the hard evidence. I can't get my hands on the actual council documents that would my point or yours beyond doubt. Can you? I have to make do with papers written by economists, after the fact. If not let's agree to differ and just argue political doctrine.


There is right and wrong on both sides

But the thing about high local taxes was a fiction generated by goverment


At that time the RV of houses in south yorkshire were half those of anywhere else. therefore the total paid in actual tax would be the same even if on paper it looked double.

How do I know due to the elemination of the coal and steel industry I tried my luck down south in Kent.


Terraced house in kent RV = £300 @ £1.50 in the pound = rate £450.00

Semi detachedhouse in south yorkshire RV = £150 @ £3.00 in the pound = rate £450

Circa 1985


note the reduction in standard from semi detached to terrance


Remeber you can make figures say anything


the buses were not free but had low fares yes and it worked we had the newest buses clean well maintained frequent and on time.


remember that when polical parties talk about finance and economics it is always from the side that suits them.

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