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The Ashes mega thread.


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I know, I was there. It wasn't pleasant. :(


You were there? You'll never have to go to confession or wait in limbo ......






"Confess your sins."


"I think you'll find I was in Adelaide for the 5th day of the Second Test in the 2006/7 series, and so I'm exempt."


"JC, this one's got a 'Get out of Hell free' pass. Prepare the VIP Lounge for him. Mary Magdelen's still dancing isn't she? You're in for a good'un mate, she got JC's last rock moving ....."

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I still say 5th day, 2nd Test. Get a draw, ok, we're 1 down, but Sydney's one to fight for ....... we could win this if we score ...... 1-1 on the way to Perth, ...... chances ......


We can't lose this ........


That one day ended all resistance. Heads were bowed and we never even looked like recovering.


As a Blade I hate to say it, but we REALLY missed Vaughan's leadership. Tres was a massive blow, as was Simon.


I think what hurts most is that the pig shooter will go back to his farm saying 'See, told ya we'd beat 'em 5-0. Only just did it though ......'.


Arrogant hick. Thank God we won't see him again.

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Still, the first one day match is going to be good, It's my birthday and hopefully I will be too out of it to notice what is happening.


There is a lot of crap that is going to be shot at the england team for their performances but some of the 5 nil result I feel is our fault.

If we are going to do rain dances we cannot go into it in an halfarsed amateur fashion like we have been doing over the length of this series and we need proper training.

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Still, the first one day match is going to be good, It's my birthday and hopefully I will be too out of it to notice what is happening.


There is a lot of crap that is going to be shot at the england team for their performances but some of the 5 nil result I feel is our fault.

If we are going to do rain dances we cannot go into it in an halfarsed amateur fashion like we have been doing over the length of this series and we need proper training.


I completely agree. Totem pole building should be put on the national curriculum in order to aid such a project.


Your monicker sums up this series mate, and one in slow motion at that .......


Have a good'un son ...... now where's my whiskey and time for a smoke.


And I barely smoke.

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Monty not picked for the first 2 tests because his batting is not good enough for him to bat at number 8, hence the inclusion of Ashley Giles.


I appreciate everything was already lost last night but where did Monty bat in the 2nd innings..................................number 7 :rant: :rant: :loopy: :loopy: :huh: :huh:


As Greenback said, heads must roll and pretty quick.

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Oh well, at least we saved the ECB the cost of another bus ride round London I suppose.


Shambles....Tres shouldn't have gone, the team looked like they had no confidence from the off. Harmison never recovered from that mare of a first test.


Fingers crossed that Michael Vaughan is back soon, but there's loads of work to be done if we aren't to be embarrassed in the ICC World cup.


Get Ian Botham and Boycott in to the set up now!

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If Monty had played at Brisbane, and he'd ended up with 1-150 in an Aussie total of 600 on a batter's paradise strip (which it is) with no match practice; his confidence (which is what bowling is all about) would have been destroyed.


Four to six decent warm up games (which all the team needed) and inclusion at Adelaide, and he'd have been a different proposition altogether.


The tests he should have been playing in, to give him even more experience abd get his confidence right up were those in Pakistan 15 months ago, when he was left at home.


Charlie Shreck is a bowler who could have caused the Aussies problems this time 6ft 7 inches of him, banging it in on hard wickets.

He could have got something out of their pitches.

One for the future; as is Davies the Worcester keeper. Excellent keeper and he can bat solidly.


One of the main reasons we won the Ashes in 2005, was they picked Siimon Katich ahead of Mike Hussey.

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