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A disappointing book you couldn't finish.


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The Vampire Lestat - Ann Rice. I like vampires and everyone goes on and on about Ann Rice and how wonderful her writing is but I got to the middle of the third chapter and gave up. I didn't like or care for any of the characters and I got the impressions that Ann Rice was a bit too in love with her own prose.


I finished the Da Vinci Code - the writing wasn't very good but I found all the historical stuff about the grail fascinating.

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Well its... imagine your writing a story about flying in a spaceship through an asteroid belt, being hit by rocks as you pass through.

Just remember the last time you were in a car in a hail storm.. the hail rattling against the roof and windows, the bigger stones in danger of cracking the glass...the car slipping along on the road as you try to get through the storm....

Change the car and hail for a rocket and asteroid belt and what have you got? just turn daily events into something...different... thats what i do anyway.

Yes, I see what you mean, I will try that.Now let me see, Im gardening tommorrow,so maybe I can be gardening on another planet.Can I give the planet any name, made up, I mean ? Mind you not as though anyone will want to read it, but it will satisfy me.

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Yes, I see what you mean, I will try that.Now let me see, Im gardening tommorrow,so maybe I can be gardening on another planet.Can I give the planet any name, made up, I mean ? Mind you not as though anyone will want to read it, but it will satisfy me.

Ok give me a few minutes.,.. ill write a quicky off, i just got out of the bath so it might be a crappy one but....give me 10 minutes... ill show you how to...blend sci fi with...

the bible!

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Yes, I see what you mean, I will try that.Now let me see, Im gardening tommorrow,so maybe I can be gardening on another planet.Can I give the planet any name, made up, I mean ? Mind you not as though anyone will want to read it, but it will satisfy me.

Ok did it.

A quicky.

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The most disappointing book I ever DID finish was “The Catcher in the Rye” by J D Salinger, lots of people rate this book as some sort of literary masterpiece but I thought it was terrible, I couldn’t identify with the main protagonist Holden Caulfield and the other characters were no better than cardboard cut-outs.


I was determined to finish it, if only to see it improve, but it didn’t. A major disappointment.

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The most disappointing book I ever DID finish was “The Catcher in the Rye” by J D Salinger, lots of people rate this book as some sort of literary masterpiece but I thought it was terrible, I couldn’t identify with the main protagonist Holden Caulfield and the other characters were no better than cardboard cut-outs.


I was determined to finish it, if only to see it improve, but it didn’t. A major disappointment.

Ive never read it, but I am surprised at that.Its supposed to be a classic.The same with all these types of books.Sometimes I think some people just pretend to like them,as they dont want to look stupid.If I dont get pulled in during the first two chapters, thats it with me.

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