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Jehovahs Witness conference in Hellaby.

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Hi Everyone

After reading your discussion felt i had to join in. Born into the JW cult and yes i say cult as any so called religion that prospers and dictacts is in my opinion a cult. Blood transfussions are allowed so long as it is there own blood. Anyone on here who is a JW shouldnt be as the computer is considered evil by many elders. Most of my maternal and paternal family are JW and when any of them have tried to leave they are disfellowshipped. Both my parents, now divorced but both have literally been to hell and back with their emotions as they were cut off from their familys, only through us the children are they allowed to talk other members of the family who are still in (none of us bother as the glazed look in there eyes as they go into their speel is too soul destroying to watch anymore). One of my family was sexually abused as a child but was told that as it wasnt witnessed by two adult JW it couldnt be true- I have never know this person to tell a lie in their life. Most of the remaining members of family who are still JWs are on antidepresents and all heavy drinkers.

I could rant all night but wont. I have seen many go into this religion and seem quite happy but why punish those that aren't, thats what i dont get more than anything.

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No thankfully. My mum wouldnt let them. If you've ever been on any ex JW website and heard of the Englishman from Weston Super Mare thats my dad. Every year holds a huge bbq and ex JW from all over world come- its great to see these people starting to get a normal life but so sad when you hear what they've been through

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Hi Faye 12

Here's the link i told you about


This is a fairly new site that has started up, apparently the previous one was

in my dads words "starting to treat them like children"

My dad is an administrator on the new site and he said thankyou for what you said and the more the merrier- i joined today.

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  • 2 years later...
Hi LordChaverly


PREDICTIONS: JW believe everything in the same way. :)


They still predict Armeggedon, as do other sects, but have abandoned specifying any date as all their predictions (ever since their inception by Charles Taze Russell in the 1870s) have proved completely false.

Edited by carosio
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