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Jehovahs Witness conference in Hellaby.

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Your all way of of date here.

They no longer knock on doors as it is illegal to do so.


Regarding family squabbles that is there own problem because it is the individuals business if want to be a Jovanah witness and nothing to do with the rest of the family and that also means the same in reverse.

family ignorance if you ask me.


Regarding Swordfish's comments......Wrong again, I have no iintention of converting and I was never once asked or pestered by anyone of the 1200 people there to do so.

I was there on a family members behalf who has chosen to be so.


I was once sceptical about the whole situation until I actually met these people and you see the real them.

forget the religeon, religeons are all the same in my view, and Jovanah witness's to me are just another religeon.

I'm talking about the people amongst them and as I said are amonst the friendliest people i have ever met.


They do knock on doors! My two neighbours are JW and the go knocking twice a week... I have had them knock on my door twice in the last 6 mths (not my neighbours! Others from the kingdom hall) but they do one when I point out that my neighbours are in the same sect... It isn't illegal to go door knocking for any purpose - sales people are still doing it for Sky/Gas/Electric and the JW's and Mormons will be at it til the end of days!

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No thankfully. My mum wouldnt let them. If you've ever been on any ex JW website and heard of the Englishman from Weston Super Mare thats my dad. Every year holds a huge bbq and ex JW from all over world come- its great to see these people starting to get a normal life but so sad when you hear what they've been through


I have seen the glassy look that JWs have too - I have also noticed it in Mormons, and there are plenty of websites where ex mormons go to piece their lives back together! Isn't it a terrible thing? Why would anyone try to trap their relatives into something so sick and oppresive? These cults do seem to get a terrible grip on people...

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I have never had a JW knock on my door.


People are allowed to knock on your door.


People are allowed to tell you "the good news".


You are allowed to say "that's nice" and close the door.


I would genuinely enjoy a deep and meaningful conversation with a JW about their beliefs and mine, about the universe and what men have called "god" and about the light of the world, who rises for us every morning. He is called the Sun.

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They did actually knock on my door last week.


I often stay on holiday in a cottage up a dead-end, gated road in remotest Snowdonia. It's 10 miles to the nearest town and shop - all along a narrow, twisting road with barely a passing place for most its the length.


Last summer, we'd packed the car on the Saturday morning to return home, and were just sweeping up the floor when a car pulled up outside. Two men and a woman got out. We suspected they were following-on from us on holiday and so I shouted for them to come inside and have a cup of tea.


In they walked through the open door and announced that this was the most friendliest welcome they'd received all day. As I put the kettle back on the Aga to brew up, I turned to see them laying out copies of The Watchtower on the table... and that's when the penny dropped!


Despite our remote location, they were JWs (all the way from Birmingham no less) in search of converts. We all had a good laugh when they realised our mistake. But they didn't even raise a smile when we revealed we were a gay couple.


After drinking their cuppas, they did cheer up momentarily when I asked if we could keep the copies of The Watch Tower - to which they readily agreed. "Because," said I, "the people who are following us on holiday today will need some paper to get a log fire burning tonight". :hihi:

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I am told that one of lifes great pleasures is inviting them in.

You dont let them get a word in edgeways, but spend an hour talking about Trotskyism, they cant wait to get away, and will never darken your door again :thumbsup:


Is it correct that they have a 'blacklist'?


I kept them talking on my doorstep for ages once (wasn't about to let them in, I didn't know them from Adam) and had tremendous fun quoting contradictory scripture at them, but sadly no-one has ever come back since.

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