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Jehovahs Witness conference in Hellaby.

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where is the prove? Can you qoutr them?


Yes. Open this link




Update; Click "search new location", then type "prophecies"in search box, click submit, then click on No.3 in list (Proph. Blunders)


They also prophesied that, in 1925, the Jewish Patriarchs, including Jacob and Isaac would be resurrected, so they built a house (quite lavish for the day) in order to house them. When they finally realised they weren't coming, guess who decided to live in the house? The president of the organization!

Edited by carosio
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what a set of religious nuts we have on this thread,Ilive near hellaby and they are always round here,if their religion is that good why is,nt everone rushing to join them.I live next door to some of them and they are really strange,their life is ruled by this cult.the wife has been a witness for over 20yrs and the husband had no beliefs until he retired,he then joined the club and becamea door knocker and always quotes the bible,I just tell him to **** off.Before all you nuts berate me about my ignorance hang on a minute most of my family are jws and ive lived with it most of my life so i know a bit about it,I just tell the door knockers who they are and say "if they can,t save me what chance have you"!!!!!Religion is a bygone way of controling the masses.I am at a stage in my life where I have never been as happy and its no thank to any religious beliefs,yes Ive been through the mill but picked myself up dusted me down and got cracking with my life.If there is another world up there its going to be full of goody,goodies and saints,il opt for the fun place at least its supposed to be warm.I suppose all you nuts will be spinning like tops now but think this you have one chance at life,NO rehearsal make the most of it and have fun.

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what a set of religious nuts we have on this thread,Ilive near hellaby and they are always round here,if their religion is that good why is,nt everone rushing to join them.





Smoking kills. If giving up smoking is good why people do not copy to nonsmokers? :)


Hope you guess why I gave you this wuestion.

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Yes. Open this link




Update; Click "search new location", then type "prophecies"in search box, click submit, then click on No.3 in list (Proph. Blunders)





you read somthing wich on the "link".


Open JW''s literature and qoute it to me. then we can continue .. ;)


Can you clarify which literature you are referring to? The link I have posted quotes (extensively) from extracts of the Watchtower literature since it was first published.


If you contend that some (or all) of their prophecies are accurate, then I await your proof.

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