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Jehovahs Witness conference in Hellaby.

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Just another religion to me. I follow no religion. If they knock at my door I answer and when they offer me the magazines I say "Thank you very much but no thank you. Take care" I say good bye and they always smile and say thankyou.


I work with a JW and he is a top bloke, likes a beer, mixes with none JWs, like the same films as me and has a great sense of humour. The ones who don't go shouting about it are the ones you don't see, I didn't know till recently my colleague was a JW.


It is the same with any minority, we remember th eirritating ones for obvious reasons. My friend from work is a top bloke and we simply don't discuss religion.

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Here are a few of the dates on which the Jehovah's Witnesses prophecied that Gods Kingdom would arrive:


1914, 1918, 1925, 1941, 1975.


Apparently when nothing happened in 1975, many were disillusioned and left the religion.



Just as an aside they also did celebrate christmas then didn't and back and forth. With regards to the coming of Jesus, they have stopped predicting it now.


All religions change and evolve or else Christians would still be making animal sacrifices. Also women can now be ministers.


If it makes you happy and you aren't harming anyone then more power to you

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Just as an aside they also did celebrate christmas then didn't and back and forth. With regards to the coming of Jesus, they have stopped predicting it now.


All religions change and evolve or else Christians would still be making animal sacrifices. Also women can now be ministers.


If it makes you happy and you aren't harming anyone then more power to you


That is right, but the reason that I (and many others) criticise their beliefs, perhaps more so than other denominations, is due to their style of evangelism, ie, confronting potential converts on the doorstep.


Co-incidentally, I have just had two JWs in the house (both old aquaintences)!

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That is right, but the reason that I (and many others) criticise their beliefs, perhaps more so than other denominations, is due to their style of evangelism, ie, confronting potential converts on the doorstep.


Co-incidentally, I have just had two JWs in the house (both old aquaintences)!


good man (or woman), I too like to mix with people of all cultures and faiths. It makes life interesting. I must confess I have no time for people who think it is ok to be rude about my LACK of beliefs while telling me I am wrong and they are right.


that goes for people who push any view upon me.


Whatever happened to the mormons?

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They still hang about the town hall end of Fargate of a weekend with their little 'Pastor' badges on. It's hard to tell if they are wearing their special underpants though.


Pastor Parcel and Pastor Bake are my favourites.


ahhh the uncomfortable under garments! I also read that the mormon religion was founded by a well known compulsive liar!


anyway each to their own, except mine, leave mine alone. It's mine.

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