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Jehovahs Witness conference in Hellaby.

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JW's do not claim that their publications are inspired, neither do they claim to be prophets. Like Peter, JWs acknowledge their imperfection and that they are subject to errors as ALL other examples in the Bible. There are many religions and religious people today that claim to be infallable. NOT JW's. Like other true servants of God, they reaily admit their faults and errors.
That's great. Now if they could admit their faults and errors to the extent that people in their care don't die because of their idoicy, they may just acquire greater respect.
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  • 4 months later...


i think you are not even giving them a chance.

at least they stick to what they say. and don't go changing they're rules to fit in with the current peoples norms to please the people like certain religions.

yes some are a bit nuts and ott but most are actually really nice people who will help you.

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  • 6 months later...

Does anyone have a contact email address or phone number for the Grand Poobah at the Hellaby lodge, or whatever it is called, by any chance?


A couple from there came around last Saturday and after some debate I persuaded them that they should go away and read my copy of The God Delusion, and I would read whichever of their booklets they wanted to leave me, and that they would come back a week later - i.e. this Saturday and we could discuss what we'd read. I've swapped shifts at work and everything now.


I get home tonight to find my book has been returned already, so it looks like they're not coming back on Saturday, which is a shame as I have so many questions about the 'What the Bible Really Says' booklet they left me, and I don't know now how I can get any answers.


I hope someone can help.

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Does anyone have a contact email address or phone number for the Grand Poobah at the Hellaby lodge, or whatever it is called, by any chance?


A couple from there came around last Saturday and after some debate I persuaded them that they should go away and read my copy of The God Delusion, and I would read whichever of their booklets they wanted to leave me, and that they would come back a week later - i.e. this Saturday and we could discuss what we'd read. I've swapped shifts at work and everything now.


I get home tonight to find my book has been returned already, so it looks like they're not coming back on Saturday, which is a shame as I have so many questions about the 'What the Bible Really Says' booklet they left me, and I don't know now how I can get any answers.


I hope someone can help.


You're effigy will be turning cartwheels on their barbecue as we speak :hihi:

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Do you think? The apparent readiness of the very definition of love they call Jehovah to allow us to suffer is one of the things I am most worried about. If anything their booklet raised more questions than it attempted to answer.


I really don't know who to turn to for help here, unless I can somehow contact the leader at the Hellaby complex.


I understand that sometimes the Jehovah's Witnesses do role plays where one pretends to be a member of the public enjoying a lounge on the sofa whilst the other pretends to believe that Gods plan is for us all to live forever on earth, just as soon as he gets around to it. He forgot in 1975. I'd like to ask the leader if I could play the part of the 'man just wanting a bit of peace and quiet' the next time they do this at Hellaby.

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Wow. I have actually made the effort to google some contact details.


They don't like email do they? The only way to request contact is to give them your address. Think I might call by the hall some time.


It'd be great if I could have a name to ask for though. They must have 'elders'?

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01709 531508




You can see the names of trustees and Mr Priestman has been signatory for the board which may indicate some seniority.


Thank you so much. Perhaps I can get some answers to the questions that are now troubling me after the visit of the Witnesses from the appropriately named Mr Priestman.


Do you know, I don't even think they've read the book I made them take in return for stopping talking to them :o

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