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Jehovahs Witness conference in Hellaby.

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Thank you so much. Perhaps I can get some answers to the questions that are now troubling me after the visit of the Witnesses from the appropriately named Mr Priestman.


Do you know, I don't even think they've read the book I made them take in return for stopping talking to them :o


They obviously have more sense than you. :D

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They obviously have more sense than you. :D


As far as I can tell from the booklet they left they think that people were designed to live forever, and it was only thanks to the intervention of the devil, who invented dying (but who hasn't really got any power, so can't create anything, but he does rule the world - that bit is a bit hazy) that we have been spared everyone who has ever existed being alive at once, which is apparently what Jehovah intended.


That doesn't sound very sensible to me, but then I don't have a super-being telling me everything there is to know, so what do I know?

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As far as I can tell from the booklet they left they think that people were designed to live forever, and it was only thanks to the intervention of the devil, who invented dying (but who hasn't really got any power, so can't create anything, but he does rule the world - that bit is a bit hazy) that we have been spared everyone who has ever existed being alive at once, which is apparently what Jehovah intended.


That doesn't sound very sensible to me, but then I don't have a super-being telling me everything there is to know, so what do I know?


You do read some rubbish. It won't be long till November 5th then you can put them both on the bonfire along with any other books by Dawkins you might have. :D

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Anonymity is the name of the game in the higher echelons of the JWs. All ranks are strictly controlled by an authoritarian ruling Council, what they may say and what they may read.


It is not so much the end of the world that they predict, but the coming of Armaggedon which will herald the second coming of Jesus; this being based chiefly on their interpretations of the books of Daniel and Revelation. To better understand the origins and hence the mindset of JWs, one needs to study the early nineteenth century Protestant revivalist movements in America.

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Anonymity is the name of the game in the higher echelons of the JWs. All ranks are strictly controlled by an authoritarian ruling Council, what they may say and what they may read.


It is not so much the end of the world that they predict, but the coming of Armaggedon which will herald the second coming of Jesus; this being based chiefly on their interpretations of the books of Daniel and Revelation. To better understand the origins and hence the mindset of JWs, one needs to study the early nineteenth century Protestant revivalist movements in America.


Thanks, but I just want answers to all these questions their booklet has thrown up - I'm in turmoil - my eternal soul - no, not soul, they don't believe in that - eternal thingummy - is in doubt. If this is important as they implied it was by interrupting my Saturday to tell me about omnipotence and eternity and boundless love and hope and all that, they'd better come back! Or maybe God has told them not to care about the awkward ones - who wants the likes of me cluttering up eternity?

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Did anyone go to this conference at Kingdom Hall at Helaby on sunday.

I was very impressed in the running of the conference and very impressed with the building to.

It is one of the largest buildings in the UK without any concrete supports with beautifull gardens to go with it.

I must have been the only person there who isn't a Jehovna Witness but the people I met and talked to and they were many are the most friendliest people I have ever met.

all in all good day was had by all.

So you went knocking on their door then?;)
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There's plenty of websites dealing with the theology of the JWs. I found them rather unreliable when promising to return on a certain date, they usually turn up weeks later unexpectedly!


As long as they come back. I'm not in very often though so I'd be better going to see them. I just don't understand how they could hav read the book so quickly though. They'd only had it 4 days or so.

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