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Jehovahs Witness conference in Hellaby.

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Unless you need a blood transfusion, or value knowledge based enquiry.


That book, at least for the rank and file, will probably be on their list of prohibited reading matter, although they might have been instructed on how to "deal" with it in general.


One of them did seem very reluctant to even look at the cover of the book, and the other got offended - almost annoyed - when I used the title.


Apparently it is fine to disturb my Saturday morning on the assumption that I have never thought about anything, and to tell me - despite knowing nothing about me and my life experience being at lest 50% greater than his - that there was "nothing he could learn from me" However, to merely use the word 'Delusion' in relation to the word 'God' is deeply offensive, apparently, even if it is just the name of a book.


If I were minded I would say that assuring someone you would read the book and come back and then not doing was offensive. I am annoyed now I didn't get them to swear on the bible that they would read it - they certainly had one to hand.

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I have been brought up with several JW's in my family, although I have chosen not to follow the religion I still have a massive respect for them, they have taught me a lot of values that have always served me well and I have been brought up to respect others.

They have respected my choice not to be a JW although they would always welcome me with open arms. Door knocking is one of my issues with the religion and it is still going on, it is only done though by people that feel comfortable doing it. I do personally think that if I wanted to learn about their religion I would find out for my self although their argument is that people have a complete misconception of them and how they live and they want to spread the true word of the religion.

At the end of the day there are a lot of religions that are much worse and the witnesses in my family are lovely amazing people.

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01709 531508




You can see the names of trustees and Mr Priestman has been signatory for the board which may indicate some seniority.




I rang them. I said I had questions. I asked if I could have an email address because I don't have time to fit long meetings in to my life.


They wouldn't give me one. They were very polite, and to be fair the person that answered was cleaning, although I think they were JW as they referred to me as 'brother' despite not being my brother.


When I suggested that it seemed from the lack of email addresses on the internet that as an organisation they weren't keen on the idea, he just kept saying 'yes' in a weirdly non-committal way.


They wanted my phone number and email address, which I wouldn't give them, so they said to call back in half an hour. I'll see if I have time.


They don't seem unduly concerned with my salvation I have to say.

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At the end of the day there are a lot of religions that are much worse and the witnesses in my family are lovely amazing people.


I think all major religions are as bad as each other - they all rely on the basic tennant that it's all ok because there is someone more powerful who will sort everything out, who will forgive his followers and punish his enemies.


That sort of moral certainty coupled with the belief that for some reason their omnipotent god cares about them individually and talks to them ultimately leads to people making all sorts of bonkers decisions which each, in their own way, makes the world a less nice place. Imagine, for example, if instead of knocking on my door and spending an hour trying to get away from my questioning last Saturday, the two witnesses had spent an hour volunteering in the local community, for example. Which would have added most to the world?


Also I find it abhorent that they come around trying to convince people that there is eternal life and all that, and then don't bother to follow it up. Ok, so the fact that I was able to quote scripture at them that they couldn't reconcile with what they were telling me, and that I could explain evolutionary theory in a way they couldn't find fault with (i.e. correctly) - and indeed was able to tell them what the word 'theory' means' may have combined to make them think of me as a lost cause - but they are apparently God's representative, and God doesn't do lost causes.


A less confident person might be left in pieces by this sort of 'can't even be bothered to follow this through' approach to evangelism.

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When I suggested that it seemed from the lack of email addresses on the internet that as an organisation they weren't keen on the idea, he just kept saying 'yes' in a weirdly non-committal way.

The Exclusive Brethren preach that TV, radio, computers, newspapers, social interaction and books not on their reading list, are all the devils work. From all those that I have met I can imagine that the local car dealers must have done excellent business supplying those that live in the Carterknowle area with people wagons with the radios removed. :hihi:


In truth, all cults like to control information and restrict access to most of it. The Exclusive Brethren might be an extreme example, but Jehovah's Witness, Mormons, Scientologists are not far behind. So it doesn't surprise me that you can't find an email address, or that the book you lent them will be forbidden reading.


Since you have an address, why not send them an invoice for your time?



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Grahame will no doubt disagree... but you surely can't help but feel... REALLY feel... that religion is superstitious bonkers rubbish.


The human race needs to get a grip.


I am horrified by what I read and hear about religion. To my mind if something is not good, then it is "no good." :)

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The Exclusive Brethren preach that TV, radio, computers, newspapers, social interaction and books not on their reading list, are all the devils work. From all those that I have met I can imagine that the local car dealers must have done excellent business supplying those that live in the Carterknowle area with people wagons with the radios removed. :hihi:


If they don't use computers I imagine they all turn up in Austin Maxis and VW Camper vans because a more modern vehicle - even if it would start and run without a computer - would surely have been designed on one?

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