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Jehovahs Witness conference in Hellaby.

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I’m sure the example we can take from this is that if anyone comes to your door and mentions the word “Jehovah” you are legally obliged to have them suffer a stoning.


Please don’t take this as Gospel.

Your post is both funny and poignant, with a dig at both Christianity and Islam in one swoop ;)


very cleverly done.

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Your post is both funny and poignant, with a dig at both Christianity and Islam in one swoop ;)


very cleverly done.


Except stoning is not part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Very far from it in fact. :mad:



Edited by Grahame
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Except stoning is not part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Very far from it in fact. :mad:




The first part of your Holy Book which you believe to be the word of an infallible, omniscient being who was/is the father/same person as Jesus is quite clearly in favour of it, however.

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The first part of your Holy Book which you believe to be the word of an infallible, omniscient being who was/is the father/same person as Jesus is quite clearly in favour of it, however.


I wish you would get your facts right. Show me where the Almighty said to stone people. The commandment is not to kill.


Added. Make sure it is Almighty God saying it and not the Levite priests or the people attributing it false gods.



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I wish you would get your facts right. Show me where the Almighty said to stone people.


Added. Make sure it is Almighty God saying it and not the Levite priests.


If one believes the bible to be a true and accurate account, one couldn't reasonably deny that God sanctions stoning in Numbers 15 32-35


While the Israelites were in the desert, a man was found gathering wood on the Sabbath day. Those who found him gathering wood brought him to Moses and Aaron and the whole assembly, and they kept him in custody, because it was not clear what should be done to him. Then the LORD said to Moses, "The man must die. The whole assembly must stone him outside the camp."


There are numerous other instances in which the practice is tacitly condoned. Jesus didn't say stoning was wrong per se, he got around the contradiction between stoning being presented as God's command in the Old Testament and it being abhorrent not by saying 'stoning is wrong', but by saying that 'He who is without sin' (him, presumably?) should cast the first stone.


This is off-topic though. Do you think we should start a new thread?

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If one believes the bible to be a true and accurate account, one couldn't reasonably deny that God sanctions stoning in Numbers 15 32-35

While the Israelites were in the desert, a man was found gathering wood on the Sabbath day. Those who found him gathering wood brought him to Moses and Aaron and the whole assembly, and they kept him in custody, because it was not clear what should be done to him. Then the LORD said to Moses, "The man must die. The whole assembly must stone him outside the camp."

There are numerous other instances in which the practice is tacitly condoned. Jesus didn't say stoning was wrong per se, he got around the contradiction between stoning being presented as God's command in the Old Testament and it being abhorrent not by saying 'stoning is wrong', but by saying that 'He who is without sin' (him, presumably?) should cast the first stone.


This is off-topic though. Do you think we should start a new thread?


This is why the Jehovah Witnesses are wrong.


Jehovah comprises two words (Yah-Hovah) "Yah" (#H3050) means "god". "Hovah" (#H1942) translates to "eagerly coveting, falling, desire, ruin, calamity, iniquity, mischief, naughtiness, noisome, perverse, very wickedness." Jehovah is the god of wickedness, Satan.


The Israelites worshipped false satanic god's a lot of the time. They also had their LORDS the same as we do. They ruled the land. They were not God, so when you read "the LORD said" do not assume it is God.

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The Israelites worshipped false satanic god's a lot of the time. They also had their LORDS the same as we do. They ruled the land. They were not God, so when you read "the LORD said" do not assume it is God.


It strikes me as strange as to why they were so confused about which god to worship when the land was full of prophets to give expert guidance. I suspect most of the population couldn't discern any difference between one god and another.

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It strikes me as strange as to why they were so confused about which god to worship when the land was full of prophets to give expert guidance. I suspect most of the population couldn't discern any difference between one god and another.


The land wasn't full of prophets for the simple reason they often lived hundreds of years apart and were often a "lone voice crying in the wilderness." In other words no-one took any notice of them.


The people knew the true God from false gods very well and as an example King Solomon built a temple or even temples to over 300 false gods.


They were a disobedient, proud and stiff necked people, they disobeyed the Ten Commandments that said not to have false gods, they disregarded the commandment not to kill and they disregarded the commandment not to commit adultery. Furthermore the Levite priests made their own 600 plus rules that took precedence over the Ten Commandments.


They knew very well the difference between the true God and the Golden Calf for example.


Leviticus 18 talks about incest and had we gone a little further into the chapter we would have read these words,


"20 "Do not have sexual relations with your neighbour's wife and defile yourself with her. 21 "Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molech"


Molech was a pagan god and that was one god they worshipped by sacrificing their children. (Child sacrifice, the valley of hell near Jerusalem, the lake of burning fire.)


They had gone far from God and that is why we read about the atrocities in the Old Testament.


The wonder of it is that God still loved them.


The sad part about it is that Mohammed and people like the Jehovah Witness have built their religions based on the Old Testament, for example with regard to blood and stoning and even sadder is the fact that thousands of people follow these religions that have caused untold misery.

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Daft as it sounds I agree with you Graham, The Gospels are from the followers of Jesus which is the new Testaments I believe.


Saying that, I was only jesting at what was put and you did not have to take my post literally, what was actually said was 'don't take it as gospel' which if its new Testament then it can't be, if you get my drift ?


I know someone is going to say Im wrong or not making sense but its late and I don't care :D

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