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Jehovahs Witness conference in Hellaby.

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Daft as it sounds I agree with you Graham, The Gospels are from the followers of Jesus which is the new Testaments I believe.


Saying that, I was only jesting at what was put and you did not have to take my post literally, what was actually said was 'don't take it as gospel' which if its new Testament then it can't be, if you get my drift ?


I know someone is going to say Im wrong or not making sense but its late and I don't care :D


It was a witty post. :)




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Just cos we're northern doesn't mean we have to eat dried pigs blood (or whatever it is!) I am actually going to have to stop thinking about it, I'm gonna throw up!!!!


You cannot have full English without Black Pudding.

Therefore to be a Jehoves Witness is completely out of the box. :D

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I don't think telling complete strangers there is nothing you can learn from talking to them is a good way to make new friends, is it?


My apologies, meant no harm, just meant that I am usually in a hurry when I meet Jehovah Witnesses or Hare Krishnas, I certainly don't imply I cannot learn anything from them.

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My apologies, meant no harm, just meant that I am usually in a hurry when I meet Jehovah Witnesses or Hare Krishnas, I certainly don't imply I cannot learn anything from them.


Ah no, you misunderstand - that's what the Jehovah's Witnesses said to me. Not a great way to make friends and influence people, I thought.

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Ah no, you misunderstand - that's what the Jehovah's Witnesses said to me. Not a great way to make friends and influence people, I thought.

I find that some of the younger, inexperienced of them are a trifle overzealous and impatient in their reactions when challenged, but the older more experienced ones are more polite and knowledgeable. However, they all follow the same theological line imposed from headquarters so have little room to manoeuvre.


They are a bit like salespeople in the way they are taught to put there questions in their opening speil and invariably they start by asking whether recent tragic events portend some catastophic event prophecied in the Bible; this is to induce you to comment and hopefully extend the conversation. They will then request a revisit for further discussion on the Bible which may then lead to regular Bible studies; a prelude to inviting you to the Kingdom Hall.


I think you are short-circuiting their routine and they aren't keen on this, but good luck and keep dogging away at them!

Edited by carosio
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There's a new product on the market called ScramJovie. It retails here for around 25 dollars in most stores.


It's a small box and when you press the start button a Santa pops out accompanied by Jingle Bells at ear blasting level.


Guaranteed to make any Jovie disappear from your doorstep in a split second

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There's a new product on the market called ScramJovie. It retails here for around 25 dollars in most stores.


It's a small box and when you press the start button a Santa pops out accompanied by Jingle Bells at ear blasting level.


Guaranteed to make any Jovie disappear from your doorstep in a split second


There is the little problem of identifying them as JWs, usually obvious but not always. The other day I heard a knock at the door, looked through the viewer and saw three men all very smartly dressed with brief cases, but they turned out to be gas/electric salesmen!

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There is the little problem of identifying them as JWs, usually obvious but not always. The other day I heard a knock at the door, looked through the viewer and saw three men all very smartly dressed with brief cases, but they turned out to be gas/electric salesmen!


That's no problem. You use the ScramJovie on all callers. If their not JW they'll laugh and join in singing Jinglle Bells.


Only the Jovies will turn tail and flee.


They're easy to ID in my neighborhood anyway as they always bring their small kids with them, poor unfortunate little beggars

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Your all way of of date here.

They no longer knock on doors as it is illegal to do so.


Regarding family squabbles that is there own problem because it is the individuals business if want to be a Jovanah witness and nothing to do with the rest of the family and that also means the same in reverse.

family ignorance if you ask me.


Regarding Swordfish's comments......Wrong again, I have no iintention of converting and I was never once asked or pestered by anyone of the 1200 people there to do so.

I was there on a family members behalf who has chosen to be so.


I was once sceptical about the whole situation until I actually met these people and you see the real them.

forget the religeon, religeons are all the same in my view, and Jovanah witness's to me are just another religeon.

I'm talking about the people amongst them and as I said are amonst the friendliest people i have ever met.


paul please get you facts right before posting. :loopy:

my partners family ar jovo scum bags and she (my partner) no longer wanted to be in the cult so decided to quit at the age of 16.

her family disowned her because they are allowed no contact.

the only time she seen her mum is when she was taken into hospital with a brain tumor and she went to see her in case the worst happened.

and please tell me how the so called faith opened your eyes ????

cause i could tell you a few stories from listening to my partners past

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