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Jehovahs Witness conference in Hellaby.

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From the latest issue of Awake, a Jehovah's Witness's magazine, is an article titled Is Atheism On The March?




A new group of atheists has arisen in society. Called the new atheists, they are not content to keep their views to themselves.



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Someone should tell the Jehovas Witnesses who regularly knock on doors it is illegal then as they haven't been told yet. Also how on earth can that be illegal? Knocking on doors is illegal? I wonder how the postman gets my amazon books to me! Oh yes he knock on my door the same as everyone who calls hence the door knocker.


Some JWs are a pain and will not listen but I have a very good friend who is a JW and minister and he is a top bloke and very funny and a good all round chap. You can't tar them all with the same brush the same as ANY group

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I have a very good friend who is a JW and minister and he is a top bloke and very funny and a good all round chap. You can't tar them all with the same brush the same as ANY group


Well, they are defined as a group by their bonkers belief system, so it's fair enough to assume common behaviours to a certain extent, surely?

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I answered the door earlier today to two Johvah's witnesses. We had a 5 minute conversation on the door-step, during which we discussed why I don't share their beliefs and so forth, they then assured me that our time on earth is about to come to an end, as the end of the present cycle is approaching... before wishing me a good day.


Good day to you too!.

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I thought they totaly dissowned you if you choose to leave the faith ?


An ex JW I know hasn't spoken to anyone in her family for 15 years, thats a bit more extreme than simply "not welcoming her with open arms" ?


I was never baptised and there for not part of the religion, so I never chose to leave the religion. I just chose not to follow as I grew up, they will not disown you if you never swore to god.

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I answered the door earlier today to two Johvah's witnesses. We had a 5 minute conversation on the door-step, during which we discussed why I don't share their beliefs and so forth, they then assured me that our time on earth is about to come to an end, as the end of the present cycle is approaching... before wishing me a good day.


Good day to you too!.


JWs have stopped predicting the end of the world, at least they should have as they got it wrong in the past. I find if you just say "thank you but no thank you, have a good say" They leave you be, a little respect and manners don't hurt

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Did anyone ever see "TV Nation" - they had this great segment where they went to a car alarm manufacturer CEOs house and set off a load of car alarms outside, they called a telemarketing CEO constantly for a day, some others, and one where they found a list of Witnesses addresses, and knocked on their doors saying "Have you heard the good news, there is a new free TV show called TV Nation that brings light ....etc". Funnily enough, the Witnesses were the only group that found it funny.


It sounds like they were the only group who were having done to them what they do to others. Had they knocked on the door of the same JW over and over again all day I expect they would have found it less funny, as the people in the other two examples did.

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So people aren't kept awake at night by car alarms, and people aren't pestered by telemarketing calls?


I fear you are going off topic here. My post was perfectly clear to anyone who read it properly - but to make it a little clearer for you I shall expand on it:


People are woken by car alarms - but they don't tend to have many of them going of continuously as you imply happened in the hilarious programme.


People get marketing calls - but they don't tend to get one after the other with no gaps for hours on end as your post implies happened as part of the hilarious programme.


JW's knock on people's doors, get talked at, and are then left alone, which is what the people making this hilarious programme did to them.


In the first two cases what was being done was what the recipients do taken to the extreme - and in the first case it would have affected many other people too. In the last case what was done to the recipients was the same as they do to others.

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People are woken by car alarms - but they don't tend to have many of them going of continuously as you imply happened in the hilarious programme.


Dont't tend to, but it happens. In fact it happened about 3 nights ago where I live.



Again, it doesn't tend to happen, but it does. We probably get 15 calls a day from telemarketers at work. Though many of them are now the automated voice.


You really are off-topic now, but as you are an assistant moderator I presume you are sanctioning this diversionary cul-de-sac, although it is more than is usually allowed?


1.Read my post again.

2. Try and understand the point I am making.

3. If your response (above) still feels appropriate you have misunderstood my post. Go back to step 1, and place a penny in your left hand.

4.If you get to the point where you have 50p in your left hand, ask me to explain what is a very simple point for the third time, and I'll see what I can do.

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