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Jehovahs Witness conference in Hellaby.

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I fear you are going off topic here. My post was perfectly clear to anyone who read it properly - but to make it a little clearer for you I shall expand on it:


People are woken by car alarms - but they don't tend to have many of them going of continuously as you imply happened in the hilarious programme.


People get marketing calls - but they don't tend to get one after the other with no gaps for hours on end as your post implies happened as part of the hilarious programme.


JW's knock on people's doors, get talked at, and are then left alone, which is what the people making this hilarious programme did to them.


In the first two cases what was being done was what the recipients do taken to the extreme - and in the first case it would have affected many other people too. In the last case what was done to the recipients was the same as they do to others.


My bold. I can take issue with that.


We used to live almost next door to the Kingdom Hall at Greystones, and I can inform you that we were never left alone. I recall one Sunday getting visits from three pairs of them, one after the other. I think they must have drawn a circle around their cult HQ and declared it to be fair game. :mad:

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My bold. I can take issue with that.


We used to live almost next door to the Kingdom Hall at Greystones, and I can inform you that we were never left alone. I recall one Sunday getting visits from three pairs of them, one after the other. I think they must have drawn a circle around their cult HQ and declared it to be fair game. :mad:


My bold. Never? One Sunday three pairs called?


My point is not that JW's calling is not irritating, it's to do with the comparison between people being annoyed by that which is deliberately annoying, and people being amused by being treated the way they treat others.

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My bold. Never? One Sunday three pairs called?


My point is not that JW's calling is not irritating, it's to do with the comparison between people being annoyed by that which is deliberately annoying, and people being amused by being treated the way they treat others.

Well they used to leave us alone on Tuesday nights. :hihi:


I agree with the point you are arguing with auto98uk. I imagine it is easy to see the funny side of a prank when said prank merely reflects the sort of annoyance you dish out, but when it is repeated "constantly for a day" the victim's humour is going to be tested much more I imagine.


Like everybody we get annoying telemarketing calls, but even my kids are trained to get rid of them now. I can't remember ever being kept awake all night by a car alarm, 10 mins maybe a couple of times in the last 10 years. Pairs of people visiting your home unannounced, and then telling you that you will go to hell, can be slightly more than annoying for many people though.

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I went to see my daughter performing in the afternoon show of her primary school Xmas play and as I was walking down the corridor towards the hall, noticed a year 5 kid on her own sat reading a bible. I asked her if she was performing in the play or going to watch it and with a really sad face she said "No I'm a Jehovas Witness, I'm not allowed"... I'm a bit mystified, the play was a version of Scrooge, there was absolutely no devil worship or debauchery in it at all. What's all that about then??

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The bible instructs all sorts of things you don't do, and forbids all sorts of things you don't do.


How do you know which ones God meant and which ones She didn't?

If God forbids it then we won't do it, we do everything God instructs such as witnessing to people all over the world.

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Your all way of of date here.

They no longer knock on doors as it is illegal to do so.


I once had a Jehovahs Witness knock on my door, I invited him in and asked "what do you want to talk about"

He said " I dunno, I've never got this far before"

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I went to see my daughter performing in the afternoon show of her primary school Xmas play and as I was walking down the corridor towards the hall, noticed a year 5 kid on her own sat reading a bible. I asked her if she was performing in the play or going to watch it and with a really sad face she said "No I'm a Jehovas Witness, I'm not allowed"... I'm a bit mystified, the play was a version of Scrooge, there was absolutely no devil worship or debauchery in it at all. What's all that about then??


Nothing more than child abuse.Children have not got the required knowledge to decide on religion.This is why you get suicide bombers in the middle east(and elsewhere.)Simple brainwashing from birth.I do feel sorry for children who are forced into a religious life in this day and age.

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