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Jehovahs Witness conference in Hellaby.

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Nothing more than child abuse.Children have not got the required knowledge to decide on religion.This is why you get suicide bombers in the middle east(and elsewhere.)Simple brainwashing from birth.I do feel sorry for children who are forced into a religious life in this day and age.

No-one is forced into our religion, everyone makes their own mind up.

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It's because they've received so much criticism over this issue that they finally decided to do something about it.


Apparently, some JW doctors have developed ways to carry out certain surgical operations without tranfusions, which is good because it is true that there is an element of risk due to infection, but there again there is always risk with any surgical procedure, transfusion or not.


Blood samples are not the same as actual blood, it isn't a change. God does not change, neither do his laws.

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Your all way of of date here.

They no longer knock on doors as it is illegal to do so.(snip)


The Jehovah's Witness who knocked on my door the other morning didn't seem to think so, Paul... despite my having South Yorkshire Police's "doorstopper" scheme stickers on my door that state quite clearly "If you do not have an appointment, don't bother knocking!"

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