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Jehovahs Witness conference in Hellaby.

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We have not had doctrinal changes, neither have we ever predicted the end of the world.


Now that is simply not true at all.


The doctrines of your church have changed so much and so often that there is a lengthy Wikipedia page devoted entirely to all the changes over the years. Various things seem to change every few years.


And your leadership predicted the end of the world at least 8 different times in the 20th century.


These are documented facts that can be backed up with material evidence. Were you lying? Or have you been lied to by your leadership? Because you most certainly are wrong.

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Why are we bothering with this thread. It's just the type of soapbox these people crave.


I don't need a "soapbox" and therefore will no longer be commenting. I know my religion and know what our beliefs are and were and that they haven't changed and also that everyone is free to make their own choice on religion, no-one is forced to get baptised, and it must be done for the right reasons. People can either listen to us or ignore, it is their choice.


Other people should not make judgements based on hearsay and speculation, if you attended our religious meetings and/or studied the Bible you would understand our beliefs.


Thank you for reading.

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Now that is simply not true at all.


The doctrines of your church have changed so much and so often that there is a lengthy Wikipedia page devoted entirely to all the changes over the years. Various things seem to change every few years.


And your leadership predicted the end of the world at least 8 different times in the 20th century.


These are documented facts that can be backed up with material evidence. Were you lying? Or have you been lied to by your leadership? Because you most certainly are wrong.


Why are you arguing? You'll never win.....as soon as you raise a valid argument, they resort to quoting 'their' version of the bible. They're very practiced at it, and quite frankly it isn't worth your time.


You've given him a doorstep to stand on and preach!...Take it away!!!

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The reason we do not have blood is because the Bible instructs us not to


God does not change, neither do his laws.


Number 6 - U R referring to the Mosaic Law which no longer applies. We don't get involved in violence of any kind.


When does it all change again then?

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Personaly i know quite a few JW and have always found them to be good people, yes they have strong beliefs and not afraid to state them, how many people in this day and age are brave enough to stand up and be counted for what they truly believe? it is not the popular thing is it?.

Oh yes the blood issue, these days there are other alternatives to blood transfusions (i know because i have refused blood myself, not on religous grounds, but for the fact that i just do not want someone elses blood with all the risks now involved).

I realise that JW are often an imotive subject, but to be honest it riles me that people spout the same old prejudice without ever properly finding out with an open mind for themselves why things are as they are.

Think for yourself not with the mob!



Are you really thinking for yourself? That's the problem with "cults" you seldom get to think for yourself, that's how cults survive. When a cult falls to pieces its usually and ironically because of the point you just tried and failed to make..members start to think for themselves, and usually because of the rigidity and pure lack of freedom . This is by no means a JW thing alone..all cults tend to have the same portfolio.

Edited by ronthenekred
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