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Jehovahs Witness conference in Hellaby.

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Personaly i know quite a few JW and have always found them to be good people, yes they have strong beliefs and not afraid to state them, how many people in this day and age are brave enough to stand up and be counted for what they truly believe? it is not the popular thing is it?.

Oh yes the blood issue, these days there are other alternatives to blood transfusions (i know because i have refused blood myself, not on religous grounds, but for the fact that i just do not want someone elses blood with all the risks now involved).

I realise that JW are often an imotive subject, but to be honest it riles me that people spout the same old prejudice without ever properly finding out with an open mind for themselves why things are as they are.

Think for yourself not with the mob!

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Theres one very easy way to avoid Jehovahs witnesses when they knock on your door..........Dont answer it!


My nanan was one and never had any problems, no one else in the family apart from her youngest daughter was a witness and as far as i know she never tried to persuade us to become one.


All families are different just because they were Jehovahs witnesses doesnt make them disfunctional, it could be the same with any other religion!

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I realise that JW are often an imotive subject, but to be honest it riles me that people spout the same old prejudice without ever properly finding out with an open mind for themselves why things are as they are.

Think for yourself not with the mob!


I knew this lad as a schoolmate. I can still remember his name, as we were pals.

He, himself was indoctrinated with the religion, and if he had been concious would have probably agreed with his parents decision.

I still do not agree with it.

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Theres one very easy way to avoid Jehovahs witnesses when they knock on your door..........Dont answer it!

Absolutely agree what's the big deal? i never answer the door to people i am not expecting, unless i know them, for the simple reason i just don't want to hear some sales pitch that i'm not going to buy into on the doorstep (if i want it i will find it myself).... well same rules apply!

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I knew this lad as a schoolmate. I can still remember his name, as we were pals.

He, himself was indoctrinated with the religion, and if he had been concious would have probably agreed with his parents decision.

I still do not agree with it.

No and i can understand why you wouldn't he was your friend and he died, even if you understood the issues involved it would still hurt, it would have hurt his family to have stood by what they believe, can you imagine how hard that was... the blood though may not have saved him in reality, but we will never know.

I am truly sorry to hear about your friend.

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Should apply to this, what is proselytizing if not selling your religion to others?

Well its not exactly being sold is it? but yes there is a yes or no option, and as sarahlorna said if you don't want to know why be drawn into the debate in the first place.

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Absolutely agree what's the big deal? i never answer the door to people i am not expecting, unless i know them, for the simple reason i just don't want to hear some sales pitch that i'm not going to buy into on the doorstep (if i want it i will find it myself).... well same rules apply!


Well, I'll buy a door with a nie clear window just in case the witnesses come. Sorry, but I can't tell who is at the door without opening it, or shouting "who is it?".

Sorry if I don't like being pestered:mad:


As to the cold calling site referring to "sales", I did realise that. I was just saying if sales cold calling is not illegal, I would find it strange that Jehovahs witnesses calling would be ILLEGAL. I would just like a link to prove it. I am once again not aying it isn't correct, just very odd.

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Going to the blood issue - doctors are now agreeing with what they say about blood because there are so many diseases that they don't know about that keep coming out because of taking another persons blood. Yes we have had aids/HIV/Hepatitus (whichever one it is) but there are still new ones being discovered all the time. There are so many alternatives now that it isn't even the "issue" that it used to be. Instead of kicking off about the same old rubbish of "they let their children die", why not look into the whole blood thing for yourselves.


I am sure that there would have been other issues involved in the families breaking up, as the last thing that they want is families to be broken up, the marriage unit was put there til "death do us part" so why would a religion want families to be seperated - just doesn't make sense!

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Oh, and if you aren't interested in what they have to say, just say "I am not interested". And if you are in bed, if you have your curtains closed they generally won't knock anyway, as - regardless of what you reckon - they do have a degree of courtesy.

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