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Jehovahs Witness conference in Hellaby.

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We have not had doctrinal changes, neither have we ever predicted the end of the world.


MARK 13:32, 33:


32*“Concerning that day or the hour nobody knows, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son, but the Father. 33*Keep looking, keep awake, for YOU do not know when the appointed time is".



Well not once but a few times actually..



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Wrong. You think Wikipedia is accurate?


Wikipedia is not the only source for this information, not by a long shot. I only pointed out that there was an entire Wikipedia page devoted to the various changes to your doctrine in order to demonstrate the sheer number of changes that have been made, which is huge.

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Other people should not make judgements based on hearsay and speculation
That is not what has happened, I have made judgements based on documented and varifiable facts.


Your church is a hideous cult, that coerces its members into joining, and coerces them into staying, and coerces them into blindly believing whatever their leadership says.


Either you are lying, or you have been lied to by your Church. The various doctrines have changed hundreds of times, sometimes even back and forth on the same issues! and they have predicted the end of world multiple times.


The main source for this information is the literature put out by your church. It's not been made up by some kid on the internet, it was published by your cult Church.

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I don't need a "soapbox" and therefore will no longer be commenting.


Isn't one of the main responsibilities of Jehovah's witness'... er.. witnessing to other people?


Surely doing that on the internet is going to reach many times the number of people that you get by going round knocking on doors?

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The reason we do not have blood is because the Bible instructs us not to, and we believe in the Bible's resurrection so anyone who dies now will be brought back to life.


and you believe that you would let a child die that needs blood or any close family member is that right i dont think so im not saying your sick but you all need to get a life and stop knocking on peoples doors blood saves lifes give blood

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and you believe that you would let a child die that needs blood or any close family member is that right i dont think so im not saying your sick but you all need to get a life and stop knocking on peoples doors blood saves lifes give blood


lets start a new thread reformed jws i will not knock on peoples doors and pester them with my views i will give blood to save my child or close family member and i will intregrate with normal society and promise to rip my holy book up and destroy all my phamplets

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ACTS 5:29 "In answer Peter and the [other] apostles said: “We must obey God as ruler rather than men".


Interesting. I thought it was "follow man's law unless it contravenes God's laws?"


If a street sign says "no entry", are you permitted to blithely ignore it?

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We have not had doctrinal changes, neither have we ever predicted the end of the world.


MARK 13:32, 33:


32*“Concerning that day or the hour nobody knows, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son, but the Father. 33*Keep looking, keep awake, for YOU do not know when the appointed time is".


I'll raise you a 1914, followed by a 1925, and a 1975, Michael.

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Are you really thinking for yourself? That's the problem with "cults" you seldom get to think for yourself, that's how cults survive. When a cult falls to pieces its usually and ironically because of the point you just tried and failed to make..members start to think for themselves, and usually because of the rigidity and pure lack of freedom . This is by no means a JW thing alone..all cults tend to have the same portfolio.


Yes I am thinking for myself, you might not agree with my sentiments but they are mine and I have a right to hold them, frankly I find your comment to be quite insulting.

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