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Jehovahs Witness conference in Hellaby.

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I am a Christian and used to work in a pastoral capacity within a church. I am tolerant of other religions but have difficulty with JWs.

Some years ago when I was helping in a school there were 2 sisters from a JW family and they were not permitted to even watch the tv programmes the rest watched if they mentioned for example Christmas. They did not celebrate birthdays and were thoroughly versed in their religion to the point that one of them (8 yrs old) told me I would not go to heaven because I had had a blood transfusion.

When I worked within the church I visited an elderly lady in a nursing home who was dying. The thing uppermost in her mind was the fact that although her family were all JWs she herself had chosen to leave. Her family had told her that she was condemned because she had forsaken their beliefs...a change brought about by the need for a transfusion during cancer surgery. I sat with this lady day after day trying to bring her some sort of peace of mind and I hope by the time the end came she knew she was not going to be denied the peace after death that she sought.

I find it hard to reconcile this sort of thing with a belief in God


(my bold)


Simply believing in God doesn't make him nice - your belief doesn't impose morals on God. He might be the cold hearted killer of the Old Testament by now for all we know. He's certainly cold hearted enough to watch people starver to death every day when he could easily stop it as he did for the ISraelites in the wilderness.

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Your all way of of date here.

They no longer knock on doors as it is illegal to do so.


Regarding family squabbles that is there own problem because it is the individuals business if want to be a Jovanah witness and nothing to do with the rest of the family and that also means the same in reverse.

family ignorance if you ask me.


Regarding Swordfish's comments......Wrong again, I have no iintention of converting and I was never once asked or pestered by anyone of the 1200 people there to do so.

I was there on a family members behalf who has chosen to be so.


I was once sceptical about the whole situation until I actually met these people and you see the real them.

forget the religeon, religeons are all the same in my view, and Jovanah witness's to me are just another religeon.

I'm talking about the people amongst them and as I said are amonst the friendliest people i have ever met.


I was unaware that it was illegal for them to knock on peoples doors anymore i ought to have called the police then last week when they were knocking on my door, I don't see a problem if its their decision to believe what they want but there is no need to go knocking on doors telling others what they should and shouldn't believe, its not like i go knocking on their door telling them not to believe is it? and i would think that anyone who has a belief being told by a stranger at their door what they should and shouldn't be believing in would be offended.

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I was unaware that it was illegal for them to knock on peoples doors anymore i ought to have called the police then last week when they were knocking on my door, I don't see a problem if its their decision to believe what they want but there is no need to go knocking on doors telling others what they should and shouldn't believe, its not like i go knocking on their door telling them not to believe is it? and i would think that anyone who has a belief being told by a stranger at their door what they should and shouldn't be believing in would be offended.


It's not illegal.


Your argument is a little flawed though - it is their belief that they should tell others about their beliefs (if I was inventing a religion I'd make that a key belief too) so their 'decision to believe what they want to' means that there is a 'need' for them to knock on your door.

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It's not illegal.


Your argument is a little flawed though - it is their belief that they should tell others about their beliefs (if I was inventing a religion I'd make that a key belief too) so their 'decision to believe what they want to' means that there is a 'need' for them to knock on your door.


I know its not illegal i was being sarcastic, as someone else said it was, and as for my argument being flawed it maybe but i don't see why being pushy to others about their belief should be part of their belief, why? I mean you don't get Hindus knocking at you door telling you that you should be Hindu nor do you get Christians knocking at you door telling you to be Christian, if you were interested you would do as the OP and go along to a gathering to find out a bit more about it, just like you would go to your local, church or mosque to find out about that, you don't need it thrust upon you on your own door step, in a manner that i find quite brash and forceful, especially when you try to be polite by saying "i wont waste your time im not interested thank you" only for then to start leaning into your doorway and continuing to talk over you as if you never said anything.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 3 years later...
I Had them knock last week invited them in said would you like a cup of tea

So we were sat down with our cuppa i said what happens now they replied dont know never got this far before



I would have asked you if you were going the TT ?

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