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Recommended - Chez Lahlou Restaurant


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I want to recommend Chez La Lou which is a french restaurant opposite the Spring vale pub think its classed as walkley.


I cant put into words how nice it is and the portions are massive, a doggie bag will feed you for a week.


Nice cosy little place perfect for a couple wanting somewhere special to go and its not expensive its quite cheap.


Get yersen down there, im deffo gonna go again



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I want to recommend Chez La Lou which is a french restaurant opposite the Spring vale pub think its classed as walkley.


I cant put into words how nice it is and the portions are massive, a doggie bag will feed you for a week.


Nice cosy little place perfect for a couple wanting somewhere special to go and its not expensive its quite cheap.


Get yersen down there, im deffo gonna go again




Last time we went we reported them to envorinmental health for the filthy state of the toilets and (it turned out) kitchens. They were given an order to put things right or face shut down.


That was about 18 months ago mind, so it seems they've improved.

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  • 1 year later...

Went there once and the portions are ridiculous, no chance of eating it all, total waste! What's more, between courses they fetched us a platter of wings (I think it was) that wouldn't've looked out of place on a wedding buffet table, totally intimidating amounts of food that we couldn't even fit on the table. Made it all rather a pain in the backside! Stuff was piled all over the place, you had to move something every time you wanted to put something else down! :loopy:

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Last time we went we reported them to envorinmental health for the filthy state of the toilets and (it turned out) kitchens. They were given an order to put things right or face shut down.


That was about 18 months ago mind, so it seems they've improved.


Your a bit brave to admit that on here!

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I went there a couple of weeks ago and had a fabulous meal. Yes the portions are big but once you realise this you can 'prepare yourself' and go very hungry.


I've been there about 5 times now and have never been disappointed with the meals. It's always been full though so you need to book to save being disappointed.


My only complaint is that the tables are very close together. Other than that though it's great.

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This place was good many many years ago, last time i went was 3 years ago, still massive portions but the place was filthy and falling to bits, my date wasn't very impressed as it was her first time and my 4th, I had told her it was very good and she'd enjoy it, I was embarrassed.

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Went there just before Christmas. The place was freezing cold as the heating was broken but came on later on. The portions were massive, ridicuously so. Offered doggy bags but to be honest would have rather had smaller portions. The food itself though was cooked well and tasty and the service very good and friendly. However i must agree on the state of the toilets. Not very clean and paint peeling off everywhere and freezing cold. Needs a face lift i think.

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