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What does your political compass say about you?

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My God, having scanned through this thread and the results people are listing - welcome all to the communist state otherwise known as SF!


Much is explained knowing there are so many loony lefties on SF.


Much better to be a "Loony lefty" than a Daily Mail reading racist, benefit claimant hating bigot!


Ring any bells mate?

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Much better to be a "Loony lefty" than a Daily Mail reading racist, benefit claimant hating bigot!


Ring any bells mate?


Extremes are extremes.


If you're firmly rooted at either end of the spectrum then your opinions can be nothing other than unbalanced. Guess how I scored. :D

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Economic Left/Right: -4.63

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.41


How strange, what doe it all mean?


Economically it tells us that you work but don't own your own business and aren't a senior manager (although you may be a skilled professional). Whilst you are not a management hater you believe a lot of managers are incompetent. You don't like big business because you believe they exploit, are often corrupt and greedy. You are probably doing OK financially yourself but believe you should be earning more money.


Socially it tells us that you are not a particularly religious person and generally have a 'live and let live' attitude. Having said that, you do not have much time for those who take advantage and abuse our liberal society. You are fed up with rising crime and want something done about the growing gang culture. You think that society needs to be tougher on the young, demand more respect and that prison sentences are too soft.


You are normally a Labour voter but feel let down by this government and deciding who to vote for isn't as easy as it used to be.


Am I right?!?!?

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Economically it tells us that you work but don't own your own business and aren't a senior manager (although you may be a skilled professional). Whilst you are not a management hater you believe a lot of managers are incompetent. You don't like big business because you believe they exploit, are often corrupt and greedy. You are probably doing OK financially yourself but believe you should be earning more money.


Socially it tells us that you are not a particularly religious person and generally have a 'live and let live' attitude. Having said that, you do not have much time for those who take advantage and abuse our liberal society. You are fed up with rising crime and want something done about the growing gang culture. You think that society needs to be tougher on the young, demand more respect and that prison sentences are too soft.


You are normally a Labour voter but feel let down by this government and deciding who to vote for isn't as easy as it used to be.


Am I right?!?!?




:suspect:...do you work for the government?

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Economic Left/Right: -5.88

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.08


Have you noticed that the left-leaning folks tend to be nicer, more intelligent and a bit more devilishly handsome/pretty than the twisted, imbecilic gargoyles on the right? :P

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Economic Left/Right: -5.88

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.08


Have you noticed that the left-leaning folks tend to be nicer, more intelligent and a bit more devilishly handsome/pretty than the twisted, imbecilic gargoyles on the right? :P

If the lefties are brighter, how come they tend to remain lower down the social ladder?

Admittedly there may be a few pseudo-intellectual Guardian readers who think their degree in philosophy, English or childcare is worth something, but the average lefty struggles with the more complex editorials in his beloved Daily Mirror, as he munches on his fish and chips in his grease-stained overalls – assuming, that is, that he actually works at all.

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