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When did you start believing in your Religion?


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I dont know about your individual religions, but Ii do know that anyone who does not believe in god is a fool.

All you need to do is to look into the dark night sky, see all those billions of stars and galaxies, and you must believe in some greater entity.

All that you see came from nothing, in an instant, and has been expanding ever since, some thing had the power and ability to set it off.

I am not saying that this creator has any interest in us, how could it?

But something started in the first place.


The universe was created to make black holes. That is what it does best. Life is a by product. This has to be one of the most stupid posts I have ever read. Why would your god create millions of galaxies, not mention them in his best selling book and then create life in a backwater somewhere?


Typical, "I don't understand how this happened, so god must have done it" mentality.

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The only delusion here is when I look in the mirror.


Take it from me Bloomsdido, I have been called deluded and much more besides, but I model my life a certain way and the only time I had problems was when I stepped outside those guidelines.


I'll say no more and leave you to get on with calling believers deluded. :)

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You know you are on shaky ground and you need to hang on to your belief. Please don't get angry with me for challenging it. Get angry with your god for having better things to do than release 'Bible 2' (the useful version) on DVD or appear to eveyone at the same time or move a mountain (Just one will do). There are sites all over the internet that will rip your faith to shreds. I have to make a stand. Sorry.


I definitely do not know I am on shaky ground. I have had to put up with non-believers for many decades, and still my faith is strong - so shaky - I don't think so.

Why would I get angry with anyone over their lack of faith? It's their choice not to believe.

Not encountered anyone or anything that can rip my faith to shreds, and I have been on lots and lots of sites. But you cling to your need to attempt to force everyone to your views. I do not think you will have much luck but stick with it anyhow.

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The universe was created to make black holes. That is what it does best. Life is a by product. This has to be one of the most stupid posts I have ever read. Why would your god create millions of galaxies, not mention them in his best selling book and then create life in a backwater somewhere?


Typical, "I don't understand how this happened, so god must have done it" mentality.


Someone who writes a book does not necessarily know that it will be his only book. Perhaps god has written a few more books but given those to different publishers.

The bible was written by man anyhow - if that is what you are referring to.

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Someone who writes a book does not necessarily know that it will be his only book. Perhaps god has written a few more books but given those to different publishers.

The bible was written by man anyhow - if that is what you are referring to.


So come clean then. What is it you believe in?

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So come clean then. What is it you believe in?


That is my business.


You stick with your disbelief and leave me to my desperate needs to have a Goddess and the world will be a good place for us both to enjoy .. or not - whichever the case may be.

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The universe was created to make black holes. That is what it does best. Life is a by product. This has to be one of the most stupid posts I have ever read. Why would your god create millions of galaxies, not mention them in his best selling book and then create life in a backwater somewhere?


Typical, "I don't understand how this happened, so god must have done it" mentality.


You are getting a bit carried away mate.

I was actually agreeing with you in a way.

Your knowledge of the Universe is weak too poor at the best.

I was a pal of Ford Prefect and spent many a happy an hour with him, before he got lost some where out on the outer reachers.

Last I heard of him he was knocking about with a bloke called Arthur Dent and A Bird called Traianna.

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I dont know about your individual religions, but Ii do know that anyone who does not believe in god is a fool.

All you need to do is to look into the dark night sky, see all those billions of stars and galaxies, and you must believe in some greater entity.

All that you see came from nothing, in an instant, and has been expanding ever since, some thing had the power and ability to set it off.

I am not saying that this creator has any interest in us, how could it?

But something started in the first place.


Just because the relatively feeble human mind (including yours and mine) is unable to comprehend much of the wonder we see before us, that doesn't mean we should jump to the wholly man-made conclusion that "god did it". That is what the fool does.


How many logical fallacies surrounding the potential existence of god must be exposed to convince you how utterly meaningless any such conclusions are? They are as meaningless as the claim of a blinged up llama orbiting the sun... or wherever you want it to be.


The problem with the human condition, as demonstrated in your post, is that we often lack a certain humility when it comes to observing our place within the vast unknown. A large part of that humility is admitting that we can only ever advance our knowledge of the unknown through the limited means available to us and within the limited confines of human consciousness. Science is one of these means, as it (mostly) lies within the framework of human understanding, and has served us well in that context. Philosophy is another, as it reveals the many paradoxes that demand ever more questions than it provides answers.


To say (as many atheists have the humility to say) that "I can't know for certain there is no god" is completely different from the presumption that "there must be a god - look at all this mind boggling complexity that surrounds us!!"


Your feeble human mind is overwhelmed by the majesty of the universe, and so naturally you seek a conclusion to satisfy your most basic desire in one fell swoop - the lust for knowledge. The tragedy of this is that, in the search for god, people turn away from the self. The self is the only truth you can know well enough to be able to say with absolute conviction, "I AM!".

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I'm not getting into that one. I am very careful to avoid saying anything about my religion. It's mine. Just mine ... and a few other people follow the same path, but that's beside the point.
Well that's fair enough you don't have to detail your religion but there's no point in saying things like 'You have not proven to me that my Goddess does not exist so I do not have to change my mind about her.' because without knowing what your goddess is, how on earth can I disprove her existence. My knowledge of here is limited to the fact that you call her a goddess. You're giving me nothing to go one, of course I can't prove she doesn't exist with just that. It would be like me asking you to disprove the existence of 'Malignathor the canganginating Diralor' without giving any further detail as to what that is.


Not very clever - "proving a negative being impossible" is always your response on religious threads.
Well yeah. THis is the whole point of the 'giant spaghettie monster thing'. Imagine I told you a giant spaghetti monster was the one true god. And I told you that the only way you could convince me the Giant spaghetti monster was not the one true god was to prove that it doesn't exist. How would you do it?


I watched a program on television - it was only a fantasy film - something to do with a court case to prove Santa Claus did not exist. Good film seeing lawyers proving a negative.


And is science not also into proving negatives - that things cannot possibly be because ...


Yes, you can prove some things wrong, but only if you know more about them than what they are called. If you don't want to discuss your religion then that's fine, but don't act like I can't prove you're wrong when you won't actually tell me what you believe. Hell, maybe I could prove you wrong, maybe it would take me 5 minutes, maybe I'd be convinced by you and instantly convert to your religion, but you would never know.

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I dont know about your individual religions, but Ii do know that anyone who does not believe in god is a fool.

All you need to do is to look into the dark night sky, see all those billions of stars and galaxies, and you must believe in some greater entity.

All that you see came from nothing, in an instant, and has been expanding ever since, some thing had the power and ability to set it off.

I am not saying that this creator has any interest in us, how could it?

But something started in the first place.


I have one really simple objection to this argument.


You say that something must have started the universe?


I say why?


Bear in mind that any answer you give cannot also apply to 'god' because then god would also require something else to start it.

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