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When did you start believing in your Religion?


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I beg to differ.


If you beg to differ, why do you look for your answers from an imaginary friend? From a book that was written by story tellers?


If you can prove anything from the bible, any of these miracles then I'm a converted man..... You say you want to know all the answere, yet you will NEVER find them in that book!


At least I can find answers in my book of science! Science is real, you can touch it & see it happening before your eyes!!


Don't tell me that you are one of there people who think that the banana is the atheist's worst nightmare are you?:hihi:

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The Universe, that is all the Galaxies, and stars and planets within them, of which there trillions, came from nothing.

There was no space, no time, nothing at all.

It was created in an instant, from nothing.

We know this as fact.

It is expanding at as great a rate as ever it was at the moment of creation, on an ever expanding front, cooling as it goes.

It is not expanding into a vacuum, but creating space and time as the front moves outwards.

If you can explain that, and the mechanism thereof, then you must be God incarnate.


This is not true at all. albert einstein said that all matter can not be created or destroyed. Therefore there was never nothing at all. Something was always there. Just very small and compact, smaller than a pin head.

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This is not true at all. albert einstein said that all matter can not be created or destroyed. Therefore there was never nothing at all. Something was always there. Just very small and compact, smaller than a pin head.


But that cannot be defined.

As space and time did not exist, the definition of a pinhead is not possible at that instant.

No Laws of Physics obtain here.

Where there is no space, how do you quantify volumes?

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Well that's fair enough you don't have to detail your religion but there's no point in saying things like 'You have not proven to me that my Goddess does not exist so I do not have to change my mind about her.' because without knowing what your goddess is, how on earth can I disprove her existence. My knowledge of here is limited to the fact that you call her a goddess. You're giving me nothing to go one, of course I can't prove she doesn't exist with just that. It would be like me asking you to disprove the existence of 'Malignathor the canganginating Diralor' without giving any further detail as to what that is.


Well yeah. THis is the whole point of the 'giant spaghettie monster thing'. Imagine I told you a giant spaghetti monster was the one true god. And I told you that the only way you could convince me the Giant spaghetti monster was not the one true god was to prove that it doesn't exist. How would you do it?




Yes, you can prove some things wrong, but only if you know more about them than what they are called. If you don't want to discuss your religion then that's fine, but don't act like I can't prove you're wrong when you won't actually tell me what you believe. Hell, maybe I could prove you wrong, maybe it would take me 5 minutes, maybe I'd be convinced by you and instantly convert to your religion, but you would never know.


You know plenty about the christian god - so prove he does not exist.

You do not need to know my religion. You would have an even more difficult time proving my Goddess does not exist than you do proving the christian god doesn't.


There are always going to be those who believe because they want to believe, and those who don't because they don't want to. Not sure why you are so set on proving a god does not exist if it is not bothering you.

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Artisan is definitely more than one person - or more than one personality.


Flamingjimmy trying to convert someone to religion .... :o:hihi:


Hey, Flamingjimmy, with reference to your previous question - Are you saying that the universe just suddenly came into being from nothing, or that it has always been here or what? Scientists are always trying to find an explanation for the origin of matter so are you against science as well as religion?


I am just a little confused.

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There are always going to be those who believe because they want to believe, and those who don't because they don't want to. Not sure why you are so set on proving a god does not exist if it is not bothering you.


Just what was going through my mind yesterday.

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Just what was going through my mind yesterday.


The other thing is - this thread is about "When did you start believing in your religion?", Not what do you think of those who have a religion or can you disprove the existance of god? But the non-religious have to have their little bit of fun I suppose.

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The other thing is - this thread is about "When did you start believing in your religion?", Not what do you think of those who have a religion or can you disprove the existance of god? But the non-religious have to have their little bit of fun I suppose.


Because of the title of the thread non beleivers should not even be contributing, but they just can not stay away from it.

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You know plenty about the christian god - so prove he does not exist.

You do not need to know my religion. You would have an even more difficult time proving my Goddess does not exist than you do proving the christian god doesn't.


There are always going to be those who believe because they want to believe, and those who don't because they don't want to. Not sure why you are so set on proving a god does not exist if it is not bothering you.


Here is a list of a thousand dead gods. Once they were alive and worshipped. Doesn't this tell you something?


It is not up to me to prove something doesn't exist. The burden of proof is on you to prove that your assertion is true. Am I supposed to try to prove fairies, father christmas, unicorns, mermaids, angels, gremlins, elves and pixies don't exist, because there are people out there who believe that they do?

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Because of the title of the thread non beleivers should not even be contributing, but they just can not stay away from it.


I read the thread title wrong, sorry. I started believing in the little baby jesus when I was indoctrinated at school and told all the nice stories. I particularly liked the one about the man taking the thorn out of the lion's paw and samson pushing the pillars because god gave him strength to kill himself and all those nasty people.


I felt a bit sad for jesus when the infant school teacher told us how he had the nails hammered through his hands and feet, each breath causing him agony as the weight of his body would make it increasingly difficult for him to breathe, having to pull himself up on the metal spikes to fight for breath, and how the soldier plunged the sword into his ribs to make sure he was dead and only water came out as that was all that was left.


That better?

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