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When did you start believing in your Religion?


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A belief based on fact!!


Science is still evolving, just like everything else!


I wasn't aware there were any FACTS concerning the complete evolution of human kind. I always thought that there was a lot of guess work involved - a lot of accepted 'rules' based on faith that these 'rules' were based on facts.

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I wasn't aware there were any FACTS concerning the complete evolution of human kind. I always thought that there was a lot of guess work involved - a lot of accepted 'rules' based on faith that these 'rules' were based on facts.


I'm not talking about evolution, I'm talking about science. Science is based on facts.

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I'm not talking about evolution, I'm talking about science. Science is based on facts.


Science is based on facts as we know them at the time of study subject to change as other facts or theories come to light.

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This is a 4 yr old thread that Bloomdildo has resurrected!


I attended Methodist Sunday school as a child, eventually becoming a Sunday school teacher myself, later progessing to become a church youth club leader.


At 16 I committed myself to Jesus, and later became a confirmed member of the Methodist church. At 20, I began investigating becoming a lay preacher.


I then suffered a family crisis and found no answer to my prayers from my god. I began to lose my faith.


For the next 30+ years I remained an agnostic. I now have no faith or belief in any god, and am a convinced atheist.


I ensured that my two children never attended Sunday school or even the local CofE school, preferring them to make up their own minds on the question of religious belief without being indoctrinated from early childhood.

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Do people believe the fundamental tenets of the Bible:


  • Crucifixion and raising to life of God's Son as sacrifice for humankind's sin
  • The Trinity
  • That Christianity is the One True and Real Faith

...because they were told so when young by parents/ school/ Sunday school teachers?


How many only started to believe in these tenets when they reached the adult age of, say, 18?


religion schmeligion ..... just how anybody believes theres a bloke with a beard sat up there on a cloud seems to beggar belief !!!

you dont believe in this/that/t'other ... yet you believe ... more to the point expect others to believe that theres some sort of hairy all seeing bloke called frank god sat looking down on us all .... i challenge any (normal person) in the whole world ... whether it be frank god , denis allah , eric budda or any other imaginary cloud living monstrosity - to give me & the rest of the world some undeniable proof that these creatures exist ..... if they did , would they really allow the things like sheffield u****d fans to exist & spoil everything that ever has or ever will exist ?

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anyone who is gullible enough to believe that these ere cloud/heaven/sky living beasts exist ought to be in adjoining rooms ... rampton would be a good place ..... heavenly bodies ????


do you seriosly expect folk in this day & age to believe that miles & miles above the earth there is a bloke (maybe a bird) sat there looking down on us all ... occasionally popping down on a celestial escalator & uttering "bless you my child" ... i'd rather believe that norman wisdom will be the next queen of lebanon !!

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religion ... HUH .... causes more wars/fights & trouble than anything else & folk still believe that these blokes live up there ... high above the earth & listen to them & will answer them , can the men in white coats please step forward !!

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I didn't think you would have an answer, just a belief


No, there is no belief, there is a big difference.


Neither you nor I claim to know where the universe came from.


You ask me how the big bang happened, I say 'I don't know'.


I ask you how the big bang happened, you say 'god done it'. I then ask you how god happened, and you say 'I don't know'.


The difference is that you've added an extra step (your belief) which doesn't give you any greater understanding, doesn't explain anything in fact. All it does is add more questions which you will never be able to answer.


The facts are (and yes they are facts, or at least as close as we can get in this world) the big bang happened a few billion years ago, all life on earth shares a common ancestry.


We don't know how the big bang happened, and we don't know exactly how life began, but at least we don't pretend to, like religious people.

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