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Litter, Litter, Litter... what to do?

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I've heard there is gonna be some new litter laws bought into sheffield meaning tough fines for offenders.


Maybe we will be able to prosecute the bin men that take the bag thats only slightly sticking out of the bin and throw it on the pavement so it splits and blows down the street.

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Sheffield Council has successfully prosecuted three more people for littering the streets of the city resulting in the City’s Magistrates Court handing out fines and costs totalling £500.


Andrew Rowley of Standon Drive was spotted dumping some carpet off-cuts onto a pile of rubbish on Lochier Lane last summer. A local resident took his vehicle registration number, which was traced by the Environment Wardens and he admitted the offence. This was cited in court as being ‘a classic example of rubbish attracting rubbish’. Rowley was fined £150 and £50 costs.


Two other defendants did not attend court and were fined in their absence.


Colin Rogers of Herries Avenue deposited a cellophane wrapper from a cigarette packet on Southey Green Road last June. He was spotted by a warden and given a £50 fixed penalty, but did not pay – even after receiving a reminder.


Margaret Stocks of Foxglove Road, Wincobank discarded a piece of paper used to wipe her mouth after eating fish and chips on Sicey Avenue last August. She was given a fixed penalty notice, but also failed to pay despite receiving a reminder.


Rogers and Stocks both received £100 fines with £50 costs.


Councillor Harry Harpham, the Council’s Cabinet member for Streetscene commented: “I hope the message is getting out loud and clear to anyone considering polluting the city’s environment. With the support of the courts, we aim to make Sheffield a cleaner and greener city for all.”

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It won't be made greener if the fines aren't collected! It's no use saying that so and so were given a fine but refused to pay. May as well not bother with the fines! I do, however, think that £50 is a tad harsh for a cellophane wrapper! A fiver would be more reasonable....again....if they consent to pay.

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A fiver wouldn't be enough. There are too many people who can't be bothered to put their litter in the bin and its simply not good enough. I was brought up not to litter and can honestly say I never have in my life. I think its a filthy habit and shows laziness and complete disregard for others and property. Yet too many people quite happily litter the streets - I doubt anyone on here will admit it, just like with speeding, yet so many do it that I find it impossible to believe that no-one on here does.

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My granddaughter is not four years old until next month, but even she, at that tender age knows that it's "naughty to throw sweetie wrappers on the floor!";


She knows that aweetie papers/ crisp packets etc either go in her own pocket or in nanna's pocket until we get to a bin, and then that's where they get put.


so if she knows at 4, that it's not the done thing, then I am darn that these adults, who threw papers/ wrappers/ whatever sh*t they happened to have in their hands at the time, also knew that it "wasn't on" to do it.


so why do it? idleness? ignorance? just plain don't give a.....?


As my mother used to say... "dont' care was made to care.


If we cannot appeal to the one braincell that they have, (owned on timeshare, presumably), then let's talk to these idiots in a language they understand, the language of $£$£$£.


If you throw crap on the ground then expect a fine. simple as that.

if you don't want a fine, don't litter. if these cretins do not understand that as a concept, then there's no hpe for anyone.

to these losers who litter and then grumble about the fine, I say two words. Tough cheddar!


fine 'em, and fine 'em good. make them learn the lesson that littering is unacceptable. I also advocate spot-fines, and if the culprit cannot pay, then cart them off to the cells until they can pay.



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Originally posted by t020

A fiver wouldn't be enough. There are too many people who can't be bothered to put their litter in the bin and its simply not good enough. I was brought up not to litter and can honestly say I never have in my life. I think its a filthy habit and shows laziness and complete disregard for others and property. Yet too many people quite happily litter the streets - I doubt anyone on here will admit it, just like with speeding, yet so many do it that I find it impossible to believe that no-one on here does.



I hate litter but due to my funding I can't give out litter fines, however there were 4 fines issued in the city centre yesterday and hopefully it will continue until people realise (which probably wont happen) that you can get caught and just don't litter in the first place!!!

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Sorry have to agree littering is bad. I think it is how you are taught as a child, i was always made to put crap in my pocket or hold on to it till i could throw it away. I have done the same with my son.

Mind you chewing gum and dog poo are big problems too. Chewing gum no longer comes in wrappers that you keep and put it into when you have finished with it. And dog poo is the problem of the owner and though most of them are good at picking it up now (this was not something done in the past i have to say) if they fined the ones that don't it may change things. Mind you it would be nice to find a greener way of disposing of it than putting it in plastic bags as this just means it stays around for ages. An invention for anyone wanting one biogeragable dog poo bags, or paper ones that hold together til you put it in a bin.:thumbsup:

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