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Litter, Litter, Litter... what to do?

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More litter bins I'd say. I know there's quite a lot in the city centre, but not as many in the slightly more suburban parts. It really annoys me when I have to keep hold of litter because there's not a bin handy.

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Dropping litter is so annoying. I regularly have to clear crisp packets and other assorted rubbish out of my front garden because some thoughtless person can't be bothered putting it in the bin.


I get so cross with litterbugs. I often their litter up and give it back to them with a friendly " excuse me, I think you've dropped something!" Helpful little soul that I am! It usually embaresses them into putting it in the bin, will probably get a punch on the nose one day though!

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Originally posted by slimsid2000

I agree. Some people just don't care and drop rubbish anywhere. Smokers can be the worst. Have you ever noticed the number of fag ends lying about?

If smokers dropped their fag buts in a bin then I'm sure even more people would be complaining about the amount of burning bins.

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The ignorance, arrogance, laziness, and selfishness that these type of people show is incredible. They expect other people to clear up or put up with their own mess. I've seen people throwing litter out of car windows, dropping it in the street, etc, and it really does disgust me.

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There's no is doubt about the fact that litter-fouling is getting completely out of proportion. Some people just don't care what they chuck on the pavement.


It goes through me to see all the empty beer and alcopop bottles on the ground outside the Leadmill on a Saturday morning.


Is it the latest fashion or something?

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