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Litter, Litter, Litter... what to do?

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The official line is you should ensure your cigarette end is totally put out then bin it. Theres no excuses. If your not near a bin...put it in your packet...and if your in the car dont throw it out of the window...we send fines out for that too.

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Originally posted by beckb

I often their litter up and give it back to them with a friendly " excuse me, I think you've dropped something!" Helpful little soul that I am! It usually embaresses them into putting it in the bin, will probably get a punch on the nose one day though!

I felt like doing exactly the same thing in Endcliffe Park recently - but refrained - fearing the punch in the face! A woman with her kids simply threw her empty plastic drink bottle on the floor - just yards from a bin! What example is that to her kids? There's no hope is there.


Not only litter and fag ends - chewing gum on the street really gets my goat.

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  • 2 years later...

To pick up on a point in the op, will bin men be getting a massive raise in pay? If not, how are they going to pay the fines they acrue as a result of the mess thay leave behind; not to mention the fines for deliberately obstructing the pavement with wheely bins! :rant:

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I wonder if it's a social thing. I was brought up to dispose of litter either in a bin or keep it in your pocket until you got home. Now, I live at Arbourthorne and the shops at lunchtime are a disgrace. The pupils come out of the shops, remove their sandwiches, chips, etc and blatantly throw their wrappers on the floor. Even more ironic is the fact that I've seen teachers, monitoring the shops for trouble, and they never batted an eyelid. I also have a friend - she's 55 years old - and she thinks it's extremely hilarious when she empties the contents of her ashtray out of the car window, along with any size/shape of rubbish that happens to be in her car whilst she's driving. No point in reporting her - just pray to god that one day an unmarked police car will be behind her. This kind of mentality gets passed on to the children and grand children too.

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instead of catching people why dont we employ people to keep sheffield clean


Why should we all pay the salaries of additional people to tidy up the mess caused by a minority?


If I have litter I either find a bin or stick it in my pocket or bag until I do find a bin.


It's not rocket science to do this - but it does require an element of respect for your surroundings and your fellow citizens.


Which is sadly missing in some people.


If the only lesson that gets home to people is a stiff fine, then so be it.

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If the only lesson that gets home to people is a stiff fine, then so be it.

Or better still the obligatory 200 hours of litter picking whilst wearing pink "I am a scumbag and am now repaying society for being thus" overalls. :thumbsup:

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I completely agree with the fine's. Admittedly though, Sheffield seems reasonably litter free compared with other cities. Went to Leeds and Oxford recently, and they were both shocking for the amount of litter. Especially Oxford (there was even rubbish on the floors in the shops).

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One thing that can be done is to work on a micro-level in relation to your own street. When I'm walking down my street I'll pick up any bits of litter I see and then put them in my own dustbin when I get home.


In an ideal world nobody would drop litter and all streets would be clean, but unfortunately we don't live in a utopia and people are d**kheads. I see it as a pragmatic way of combating litter, and people who were brought up to know that litter is wrong can do something about it in their own way.



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