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Looking for creative and funny people!


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Are you one of those creative types? Do people laugh at you? Can you think on your feet? If so, I'm looking for you.


I am putting together a new improvisational comedy group, and I need people! Don't worry if you don't have any previous acting experience - you just need a willingness to take a chance and have some fun!


Afraid of getting up in front of other people? Not a problem. Improvisation is a great way to get over that in a no-pressure environment.


My aim is to get people together to learn and/or practice improvisational comedy and get to the point where we can perform shows in front of real live audiences. (Performing shows in front of taped audiences lacks a certain thrill.)


I'm hoping to find about 15-20 people, and we will meet on a weekly basis. All ages are welcome. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact me at: sheffieldimprov@gmail.com.





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