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Please persuade me to go back to Hillsborough...

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Normally I go to about 5 to 10 Wednesday games a season but this year I haven`t even been tempted to go to one, and it`s NOT because the team have been playing s**t for the last 10 years.......

The last game I went to was the Sheff United derby game last season and I really wish I hadn`t gone. I was a bit disillusioned before I even got to the game as I thought the policy of insisting you bought tickets for two other (specific) games before deigning to sell you a ticket at great expense was exploiting the fans. I also thought that the 0870 telephone number they`ve adopted amounts to the same thing, remember most calls would be local anyway, the difference is 8p per min against 1 to 2p......

When we got to the game I was upset at witnessing the aggressive intimidating abuse that a Sheff Utd supporting couple received as they quite innocently walked under the South Stand. We decided to go in the latter stand (as opposed to the North stand or the Kop) as I was taking my wife and I hoped it`d be slightly more civilised. Unfortunately my hopes were misplaced and the usual swearing (and I`m not talking B words and F words, I`m talking C words, it`s not uncommon to even see fathers use this kind of language in front of their own kids !) and aggressive language and chants started up, "Break the B******s legs" etc. Next came a couple of face offs between Wednesday fans (something I`ve seen fairly often down at Hillsborough) and a scuffle when it was discovered a Sheff Utd fan was in the stand. Finally a supporter behind me made some racist comment which I felt I coudn`t ignore and ended up having "words" with him.

I started thinking why the hell am I here ? I don`t even want to be associated with some of these people, and that`s without mentioning that lot you sometimes get (with scarves over their faces) trying to get at the away fans as they leave the ground.


I`ve always preferred going to away games, the atmosphere is always better and (ironically) there is less aggression, esp amongst the Wednesday fans. When I go to an away game I`m proud of the Wednesday fans, still singing even when we`re losing (which we generally are....) but I`ve finally had enough of Hillsborough.


Please persuade me to go back !

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If things are really like that, then I wouldn't even consider persuading you to go back.


I'm not a footie fan myself- I've always been a rugby league fan. The contrast between rugby crowds and what you're describing is stunning. Even when playing arch-rivals, I've never seen any violence or intimidation at a rugby match. Insults, pie throwing (at specific people in the dug out) and loud songs- yes: violence and intimidation- no.


I don't think I would ever encourage anybody to spend their time and money being in such an unhealthy atmosphere. I've never understood why one sport attracts brain dead people who think that violence is OK, but as long as it was happening, they wouldn't get a penny out of me in support of it.

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I'm not a foorball fan and had never been to a football match until I was invited to a match at Man Utd a few years ago by a company I deal with. I went with 2 apparently respectable senior executives from this company and when we got into the ground I was astonished by their behaviour. They were like wild animals shouting and swearing and being very aggressive looking for trouble. It was ridiculous. I wouldn't suggest you went back if it's as you say and I can well believe it is.

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To be honest, this is one of the most volatile atmospheres you will find in football, ie a Derby game.


I have never felt intimidated at a game (and ive been sat in what is known as "rough" seats, and to various grounds what are classed as rough) and think you are over exaggerating with your claims.


I don't dispute any of the affor mentioned happened. Just think you are exaggerating at the extremity.


If you dont like what you see, either A) report it to a steward, B) sit somewhere else ni the ground, or C) don't go.

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Think you have to bare in mind that the VAST majority of supporters who attend football matches(regardless of their allegiance) are decent people who just want to enjoy the spectacle.


I can well understand that the scenes you describe would be highly unpleasant for anyone, but I would ask you to remember that when it comes to derby games, passions do run high, and sadly this can all to often spill over into aggression.


As for whether you should go again, well there is only you who can make that decision.Ive been going to Hillsborough for quite a number of years and I can honestly say, hand on heart, that Ive never once felt intimidated or threatened in any way.

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Where do you sit then, if I ever go back I may try it there.

When you`re talking atmosphere what I want is loads of noise but no aggravation and thats not what you usually get at a Wednesday home match....

It constantly surprises me how much better (in both cases) it is amongst the Wednesday fans when they`re away from home.

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Normally I go to about 5 to 10 Wednesday games a season but this year I haven`t even been tempted to go to one, and it`s NOT because the team have been playing s**t for the last 10 years.......

The last game I went to was the Sheff United derby game last season and I really wish I hadn`t gone. I was a bit disillusioned before I even got to the game as I thought the policy of insisting you bought tickets for two other (specific) games before deigning to sell you a ticket at great expense was exploiting the fans. I also thought that the 0870 telephone number they`ve adopted amounts to the same thing, remember most calls would be local anyway, the difference is 8p per min against 1 to 2p......

When we got to the game I was upset at witnessing the aggressive intimidating abuse that a Sheff Utd supporting couple received as they quite innocently walked under the South Stand. We decided to go in the latter stand (as opposed to the North stand or the Kop) as I was taking my wife and I hoped it`d be slightly more civilised. Unfortunately my hopes were misplaced and the usual swearing (and I`m not talking B words and F words, I`m talking C words, it`s not uncommon to even see fathers use this kind of language in front of their own kids !) and aggressive language and chants started up, "Break the B******s legs" etc. Next came a couple of face offs between Wednesday fans (something I`ve seen fairly often down at Hillsborough) and a scuffle when it was discovered a Sheff Utd fan was in the stand. Finally a supporter behind me made some racist comment which I felt I coudn`t ignore and ended up having "words" with him.

I started thinking why the hell am I here ? I don`t even want to be associated with these kind of people, and that`s without mentioning the kind of brain deads you sometimes get (with scarves over their faces) trying to get at the away fans as they leave the ground.


I`ve always preferred going to away games, the atmosphere is always better and (ironically) there is less aggression, esp amongst the Wednesday fans. When I go to an away game I`m proud of the Wednesday fans, still singing even when we`re losing (which we generally are....) but I`ve finally had enough of Hillsborough.


Please persuade me to go back !

You say the Derby game was the last game you went to?? what did you expect?? owls/blades sat side by side having a chat over a cuppa?? this type of atmosphere is a bad as i can be... face it we hate each other... i admit i swear my head off at matches... in front of my kids.... if Warthog is around i let them swear at him too... does that make me an animal?? A Derby game is not just football, its Pride Passion, Braggin rights etc.... ive sat on the south stand for years, i now sit on the kop with my kids... on Derby Day your A Blue or a Red... I go to 15+ away games a season.... there are places worse than Hillsborough.


HOW ? can i persuade you to go back to hillsborough??

I cant, you eaither enjoy match day or you dont.


Just remember this "The majority of supporters who attend football matches are decent people who just want to enjoy the Game."


Take the good with the Bad... like today...:gag:

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But I DON`T hate Sheff Utd fans (not the decent ones anyway), in fact I don`t hate anyone, except possibly selfish dangerous drivers......

If that means I`m not a "real" a Wednesday fan then perhaps that sums it all up.


I still prefer the atmosphere at away grounds (amongst the Wednesday fans anyway) and I haven`t met an Owls fan who doesn`t say the same.

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