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Nirmals Indian Restaurant


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being asian myself, you get a feel for a good curry from many different places :)


Leicester ranks very highly in those stakes.

Manchester is equally good, however have to pick the places carefully - not all of them are great.

Sheffield Kashmir Curry House is good, Gulshan in nice, these are though dare i say the best of a bad bunch. Anybody been to Sweet Centre yet (other side of Meadowhall, towards Rotherham) huge place, also in Bradford and they are okay there.


Nirmals sadly just smells of stale cooking oil which puts me well off any place.

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The New Amraj Near Crystal peaks is Good... Bit expensive though since thevy got thier new place as its one of biggest in country now.. but lajawab near da new asda is very good and cheap!

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  • 1 month later...

That Nirmal women is a cheat and aliar. I went there with the walker's curry vouchers, and like it said phoned up to book, told them I had the vouchers etc.


She was really pushy taking our order - kept trying to tell her we had all been to India and completely knew the score curry wise but she insited on trying to get us to order stuff with banana urg!


At the end of the meal the old witch refused to take the vouchers, and not wanting to cause a big scene I relented and paid. Should have had a good shout.


Food was OK but overpriced. Personally I prefer the mangla or New India Gragen on Chesterfield road

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I've not been there for a few years, but the only time I went I found the food to be distinctly average, and Mrs Nirmal incredibly rude and unpleasant when I asked why both curries tasted exactly the same, even tho one was a bhuna and the other a jalfriezi (yeah yeah, I can't spell...)


Never went back, and nor would I. A very averge place in my opinion

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  • 6 months later...

I went to Nirmals last night. I've been before, and was never overly-impressed, but thought I'd give it another go. Mrs Nirmal was her usual self - she tries to sell you everything on the menu, then when she realises you're only after some onion bahjis and a quick curry she walks off in a huff.


They also add 10% service charge on the bill, without it even saying what it is.


Wouldn't go again - curry was ok, but you certainly don't feel welcome unless you're going to order 3 of the "special" side dishes each.


Seven Spices on West Bar roundabout is leagues ahead.

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Tend to agree with what you are saying here. Fortunately, when it comes to Indian food, we've plenty to choose from. The Ambar on Ecclesall Road for starters.


I last did Nirmals one lunch-time and although I enjoyed it, it was nothing out of this world. Yes, I was persuaded to try something else, only this time by Mr Nirmal and once again, I came out feeling as if I'd paid about £10 too much.


That will be the first restaurant in Sheffield to have the £5 pint aswell. But it's down to the individual.


Incidentally, I went at lunch because I couldn't think of any other Indian open at this time. Any other suggestions? (Please don't insult my intelligence with the words Balti King.)

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Nirmals is ok - but nowhere near as good as it likes to think it is & Mrs Nirmal is very pushy...


Sheffield is a bit ropey for decent Indian food - I think Nirmals is actually the only *Indian* place in town (most places being Pakistani run) - and most palces seem to have the standard 100 items on the menu - but all using Pataks sauces for post-pub crowd type places


I think if someone opened up a decent South Indian veg place - they make a fortune.


(Someone told me a Tamil place had briefly opened on Abbeydale rd - but then shut down a few months later)

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Jake - where abouts on Abbeydale Road?


As a curry-lover, I'm sure I would have tried a new Indian takeaway, ione had opened on Abbeydale, but I've no memory whatsoever of a Tamil-type place at all.


I do agree, however, that there is a gap in the market for a reasonably-priced authentic curry house (plus sweet centre) on London-Abbeydale Road.

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