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Childrens trips with sheffield clubs

bushbaby 3

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I remember going to Cleethorpes with my Grandad's WMC, for years we would get on a coach off to the seaside. We would each get a little envelope with money for rides or fairy floss and the like and little tickets for an icecream and we would also have lunch .


I cannot recall which club it was. My Grandad lived on the Littledale so it was somehwhere near that. His name was William Crookes and he worked for a steel company ( of course so did 1000;s of other in Sheffield but that is all i can recall, We had a great day through and when we came back they would have drinks and nibbits and crisps at the club whiile they ran a talent show.

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My dad used to be a bus driver and my sister and I used to go with Sheffield Transport every year. We used to have a label on our clothes, for if we got lost, we had dinner and tea provided and spending money as well. Oh bring back those days.

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used to go with the Park and Arbourthorne, Manor and Arundel, all on city road. tickets used to be 2shillings and you got back 10bob ,pop and crisp and a dinner when you got there.as i remember in the 60s all the lads wanted to spend their money on was a dagger to play games with ,not like the nutters now carrying blades.:)

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I remember the club trips years ago.


People used to count the number of coaches that went from each club as if it was some kind of competition


I just forget the most coaches but I think it was in the 20's.


Pitsmoor and Burnaby Street club put on a lot of coaches each.


Maybe somebody else can tell us more.


There is one thing I'm certain of, they were great days out.


All the kids enjoyed themselves and the clubs did an excellent job.


Happy Days!

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  • 2 weeks later...
We all used to go with the Sheffield Lane Top WMC. Fab times. We got some crisps and pop and a little envelope with some spending money in.


Times were hard back then (steel strike) it was the only trip to the seaside we had. Our tenants association ran a trip for local families every year up until this year but coach costs are so high, last time it was over £600 for two coaches



Sheffield Lane Top .....................now that rings a bell . Will check with Mum and Dad tomorrow but i have an inkling that it may have been who i went with . Did you go to Cleethorps? and in what years did you travel with them?

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  • 1 month later...

Sheffield lane top WMC certainly used to have childrens outings. I remember before the war going to Cleethorpes and Blackpool. We used to sing on the coach, I remember singing "The Donkeys Serenade" and we used to watch for Blackpool Tower eager to be the first - there it is ! In passing, the tower back then had a zoo, with hindsight it was appaling, just bare concrete and bars. No wonder Wallace swollowed Albert whole.

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Oh happy days


We went with Wadsley Bridge Club to Cleethorpes mainly, although I seem to remember we went to Skeg too and nobody liked it lol


Always sent the kids coaches off first, so there were always loads of kids roaming Cleethorpes before the adults arrived.


I seem to remember getting 50p spending money and the last time I think I got a fiver.

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I used to go on trips with the dial house club not too many years ago. We used to get £5 a packet of crisps and a drink. Used to love those days trips!


I used to go on the Dial House trips in the late 70s/early 80s. I don't remember much about them but I remember enjoying them and being amazed that they gave you spending money. It was actually money that me mum and dad had paid into the fund but at the time I thought we were being paid to go on holiday and felt really spoilt!


I think we mainly went to Skeggy, Cleethorpes and maybe Hornsea.

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Used to go with Arundel Club, Manor every year to Cleethorpes. First had to travel on coach with mum and dad then when got older could go on the kids coach. Got 2/6 and goody bag on coach (crisps, apple, sandwich) and we all went to the Winter Gardens for Fish and Chips. Had to hand my 2/6 over to my mum so never saw that. Think the Club got wise to this and started handing out vouchers for the amusements (that wasn't amusing to the parents). That was the only holiday I used to get, 1 day, and I used to be sick all the way there and back, but looking back it was great. Went back to Cleethorpes a few years ago for nostalgia, sat on sea front and had greasy fish and chips, it might be run down and a bit smelly but I still enjoyed it.

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