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Dave Allen or Dennis Hobson

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Yeah and one season makes the world of difference, dosnt it:rolleyes:


Never mind the years of under achievement and their status of second team in Liverpool - as long as their have a good season or two, it must place them on a par with, oh I dont know, Real Madrid or Chelski, right?


By the way, anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together would have realised that the Everton comment was tongue in cheek - whats known in football circles as BANTER(you might want to look it up), but just for the hard of thinking, I'll include plenty of smilies next time, just so you dont get confused, dear :thumbsup::hihi::cool::o:D


Your knowledge is basic to say the least, First club to 100 years of conecutive football in the top flight. Ranked 6th in the country in regards to honours. Still filled Goodison (40,200) when we were scrapping at the bottom....I could carry on but I want to refrain from causing embarrassment:loopy:

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I never talked about thier past. I said they were having a good year THIS year.


Hmm, thanks for the advice on banter, your overagressive ranting post showed you are the king of 'banter'.


Now go and have a lie down mardy.


Aww..bless..did I upset you?


Over agressive response?Quite rich coming from someone who in their first post accused me of being 'jealous' and implying that I had no knowledge of football - heres another word for you to look up Hypocrite.

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Your knowledge is basic to say the least, First club to 100 years of conecutive football in the top flight. Ranked 6th in the country in regards to honours. Still filled Goodison (40,200) when we were scrapping at the bottom....I could carry on but I want to refrain from causing embarrassment:loopy:


..and how many times in the last, say twenty, thirty years can you say, hand on heart, youve been anything other than second fiddle to Liverpool?


Just remind me, when was the last time you lot won owt?

1996 was it?(sorry for being a bit vague, I dont spend my time pouring over 'Shoots big book of football facts', and I REALLY could care less about a middling team from the wrong side of the Pennines...)

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..and how many times in the last, say twenty, thirty years can you say, hand on heart, youve been anything other than second fiddle to Liverpool?


Just remind me, when was the last time you lot won owt?

1996 was it?(sorry for being a bit vague, I dont spend my time pouring over 'Shoots big book of football facts', and I REALLY could care less about a middling team from the wrong side of the Pennines...)


Eh? Pathetic retort. Liverpool are the most successful english club so everyones playing second fiddle to them. Your post is miserable. Go make yourself a horlicks and watch this, It`ll settle you down.


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Eh? Pathetic retort. Liverpool are the most successful english club so everyones playing second fiddle to them. Your post is miserable. Go make yourself a horlicks and watch this, It`ll settle you down.



Okay, so when WAS the last time you won owt?Was it 1996?


'cos by my reckoning that makes it a nice, round ten years - long enough to justify my original 'years of under achievment' statement earlier...


(BTW the drinks machine is broken - its only serving oxtail soup at the moment)

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"long enough to justify my original 'years of under achievment' statement earlier..."


Your kidding right? Man Utd and Arsenal dominated the ninetys and half this decade. Your an utter embarrassment to any football lover.


But im confused?


In your earlier quote you said that Everton were ranked 6th in terms of club honours and that you managed to sell out Goodison with 40,000 plus fans a week?


Well surely then a club with that sort of pedigree MUST have ambitions of competing at the top of the league?So anything other than challanging for the title/European places would be classed as under achievment, right?


Therefore you lot have been underachieving for at least the past twenty years?



Before I get too carried away with this fun spot of blue-nose bating, in answer to OP, Dennis Hobson everytime :thumbsup:

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