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Is torture ever justified?

Is torture justified?  

100 members have voted

  1. 1. Is torture justified?

    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Rarely
    • Never

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Now I've not read all the thread so excuse me if I repeat things already said but there are better techniques for getting information out of unwilling people than attaching electrodes to their balls. I'd own up to being Osama Bin Laden if someone stuck an electrode where the sun doesn't shine - but what good would that do?


I'm sure that questioning techniques and adequate training of interrogators can eventually get to the truth.


We do it in our job. We go on courses for interviewing techniques and we are able to get people to confess wrongdoings, and admit culpability, just through the way we ask questions.


Now if HMRC can do that I'm sure the CIA and MI5 should have no problem seeing as they are a damn lot scarier than us.



Mind you there is a part of me that thinks :


"hand over your taxes"




"Buzzzzzzzz, scream, argghhh" :hihi:

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I have read it. If your torturing convicted criminals its not an attempt to gain extra information, its a revenge act.
But I'm forwarding the hypothesis that it's done to gain extra information, NOT as revenge. You don't agree with revenge and I'm with you on that, I'm asking if it should be done to gain extra information which you know they possess. Forget the revenge idea for a moment.
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I can see the justification. If there were undiscovered bodies it would be an idea,
Ok ta, that was what question was about and you aren't so sure, neither am I. Not sure what I'd do if I knew someone who had been convicted of murdering my kid and hidden them but wouldn't tell where. People who murder forfeit some of their human rights, freedom being one of them.
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Well I'll ask again.



The very reason we feel so strongly about people like Huntley, Hindley, and their ilk, is because committing acts of that nature - murder, torture, wilful violence - are abhorrent to us.



And yet .... you want to commit acts of that nature. You want to torture people.



How can you not see the logical fallacy here?

Heyesey, although we've had strong disagreements in other areas, I'm glad to say I think you're 100% correct with this post. All the people who've said they think torture is OK - (or more disturbingly, would like to volunteer their services to the torture industry) - read Heyesays post again (and mine in response to Litha earlier and Taxmans and, well you get the idea) and THINK about it.

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To all those who find torture acceptable, think of the possible following scenario.

Certain forms of torture become legal under certain defined conditions in your country, under what you regard as a 'good' government. That government is then replaced legally with one you do not like, and YOU are arrested for a crime you have not committed and are tortured for information about that crime. Still find it acceptable?

This is a good point, there is a simalar thought in a thing about the Nazis and how they broke up society, into chunks, ready for them to destroy.

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First They Came for the Jews

First they came for the Jews

and I did not speak out

because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists

and I did not speak out

because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists

and I did not speak out

because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me

and there was no one left

to speak out for me.



Pastor Martin Niemöller


That is the one I mean. If we allow them too much leeway, history will repeat itself.

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