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Is torture ever justified?

Is torture justified?  

100 members have voted

  1. 1. Is torture justified?

    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Rarely
    • Never

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nazism was run on an ideology just like religion is. the best way for an organisation like that to run is to install fear into the population.


Thats why van hedricht was assisnated by the allies as he was an instigator of these type of tactics and was 3rd inline to lead the riech


but thats going slightly of the thread

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1) if other peoples lives/ national sercurity dpend on it

2) certain individuals such as ian brady that wont let the police no where he buried that kid


etc etc

It would not work, espescially with a piece of filth like Brady. He would deliberatly mislead, as he has many times before.

Whereas I believe in Capital Punishment being used, purely as a form of revenge, (that Stone fellow deserves it for one), I do not condone physical torture.

That would be giving into base instincts, and the type of people who would be willing to carry it out, I do not want associating with my name.

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First They Came for the Jews

First they came for the Jews

and I did not speak out

because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists

and I did not speak out

because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists

and I did not speak out

because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me

and there was no one left

to speak out for me.



Pastor Martin Niemöller


That is the one I mean. If we allow them too much leeway, history will repeat itself.


Indeed. I am not suggesting England and America are about to become Fascist states, but everything is in place. We have a populous that does not see issue with torture as they are so scared of a perceived threat. That fear has been fostered and encouraged by our leaders. People are willing to hand over their civil liberties (and those of others) for the illusion of safety.


People are talking about the breakdown of society, and wars between ideologies. Persecution of groups based on Religion has begun. The country is splintered due to politics. This is all straight out of Nazi Germany, it's how it began. I never thought I would see the day when the “Civilized World” became open to torture, but it’s here, and it wouldn’t be here unless people were scared.


Next is subverting the judiciary. We have seen a little of that in England and plenty in America.


Supreme Court justices, Sandra Day O’Connor recently said the following about America...


Pointing to the experiences of developing countries and former communist countries where interference with an independent judiciary has allowed dictatorship to flourish, O’Connor said we must be ever-vigilant against those who would strongarm the judiciary into adopting their preferred policies. It takes a lot of degeneration before a country falls into dictatorship, she said, but we should avoid these ends by avoiding these beginnings.


And in my view, it's clear these are the same begining that caused the population of Germany to follow their leader in to facism.

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People are talking about the breakdown of society, and wars between ideologies. Persecution of groups based on Religion has begun. The country is splintered due to politics. This is all straight out of Nazi Germany, it's how it began. I never thought I would see the day when the “Civilized World” became open to torture, but it’s here, and it wouldn’t be here unless people were scared.


Next is subverting the judiciary. We have seen a little of that in England and plenty in America.


Supreme Court justices, Sandra Day O’Connor recently said the following about America...




And in my view, it's clear these are the same begining that caused the population of Germany to follow their leader in to facism.


you could loosley compare anything to anything this labour government is bad but nowt lack nazi germany for example germany was finacially struggling in the build up to facisim uk is booming, germany was still realing from loosin the great war, and hitler and th riech were very good at manipulation and propoganda the numptys in the labour party can't even argue of the leadership in private and are becoming a joking and rapidly loosing support the total opposite to the nazis

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It would not work, espescially with a piece of filth like Brady. He would deliberatly mislead, as he has many times before.

Whereas I believe in Capital Punishment being used, purely as a form of revenge, (that Stone fellow deserves it for one), I do not condone physical torture.

That would be giving into base instincts, and the type of people who would be willing to carry it out, I do not want associating with my name.


I'm astonished to find myself in partial agreement with you for once; but capital punishment, as you say, is a form of revege which is a base instinct indeed. The only difference between the sort of torture this thread is about and hanging is a matter of varying degrees of mental anguish, physical stress and duration and intensity of pain. It's a nasty business. Did you know that hanged people often soil themselves in death?

Torture and hanging are not the actions of a civilised and decent society.

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It seems amazing, does it not, that just a few months after the death of Al Zaquari that people are speaking in favour of torture.

We spent millions on bringing that horrible man to his just desserts, and now people are talking about using a simalar kind of activity.

The kind of torture and murder carried out in that fashion is the ultimate in cowardice.

As we agree, it is not the action of a civilised man.

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